Mother of 2 Died After Eating Marshmallows During ‘Fit the Most’ in Your Mouth Contest: Court Hearing

Posted by Forward-Answer-4407


  1. EdmundTheInsulter on

    This can be added to the who could keep their hand on a truck the longest with psychosis setting in. Sitting on dry ice the longest. Drinking the most water without urinating.

  2. Icy_Session3326 on

    This is really fucking sad

    But it’s also really fucking stupid

    What an absolute waste of life

    Condolences to her family

  3. terryjuicelawson on

    I’ve read of a few people dying in this kind of situation, one man after eating insects for a challenge. I once tried to fit several custard creams in my mouth, found after a while of chewing all the saliva had been sucked out of my cheeks. The dry crumbs at the back started to clog up the back of my throat. Absolutely terrifying, I had to pick out the front biscuits to be able to clear the back ones.

  4. Chubby Bunny is hardly new. Seems like a lot of vitriol and suggestions she should be mocked for taking part in something 1000s of kids did growing up without incident.

    You get the news you deserve I guess.

  5. WernerHerzogEatsShoe on

    Tragic, and I imagine marshmallows are quite difficult to clear from the airways compared to something harder.

  6. NowThatHappened on

    How can anyone be so stupid? Are people becoming more stupid or is social media simply publicising it more?

  7. HelicopterOk4082 on

    I really don’t understand what happened. It was a competition to fit marshmallows in your mouth.

    But it says she was swallowing them?

    Then it says her airway was blocked… and they were using a defibrillator? So … what? A heart attack? Suffocation?

    None of it makes sense.

  8. Left the stage…. Ie did the mamallian instict to find shelter and die quietly. Very sad and this should be looked out for in restaurants and bars. Anyone quietly going off while maybe choking….