1. He’s probably just bluffing just like before. Especially since he’s had the same “red line” before. It’s not new.

  2. PutinsShittyNappy on

    Inb4 all the Russia will nuke the west bot posts

    They never seem to acknowledge what will happen to Russia if they launched a nuke anywhere. Like Russia is the only nuclear capable state in the world

  3. Woodentit_B_Lovely on

    Dude desperately wants to be Czar but he’s screwed up his country so badly the most fearsome he can be is throwing a dissident out a window once in awhile

  4. EatShitRedditAdmin on

    How many red lines is that now? You start a war on Ukraine you can bet they can do anything they want to Russia to get the Kremlin on their knees 

  5. Partyatmyplace13 on

    Oh nice! A deescalatio… oh, he means just for Ukraine.

    *This war would be a lot easier if you guys would tie one arm behind your back.* – Putin, probably

  6. NATO needs to set some new red lines of their own instead of letting him dictate the rules. If he wants to play this game then start setting the new red lines every week and force him into a stalemate.

  7. So it’s Ukraine is inside Russia and they use the rockets inside Russia, are those now local rockets and not long range?
    Does that make it ok?
    Hypocrites like putin have a problem when they get it down the wazoo.

  8. It is an interesting statement from the dictator who just acquired ballistic missiles from Iran. Tit for tat, motherfucker.

  9. By his logic, Iran, China and India are likely at war with Ukraine. There are US parts in most Russian missiles, apparently. Does that mean the US is attacking Ukraine?

  10. putin can’t even win a war in Ukraine and he thinks he can stand up to Nato, yeah good luck with that

  11. No no no, you don’t understand.

    They are short range missiles but they had the wind in their backs, so it’s all good.

  12. He keeps giving different lines and now Ukraine is invading Russia…you’d think that alone is crossing his nuclear line…its all BS, he can’t fire them like so many right wingers think cuz its the end to all if he does

  13. I feel like we’ve been given enough Russian red lines now to make Putin a nice pair of red fishnets

  14. Russia needs intervention and re-education like Nazi Germany did. It’s mad that his brainwashed population goes along with this stuff, they even talked about nuking the west on prime time TV, as if it was just normal to fantasize about these things.

  15. Glum-Manner-9972 on

    *** trade offer ***

    You get: no missiles

    We get: 2014 Ukraine borders (we’re being generous) 

  16. Dude_I_got_a_DWAVE on

    #for fucks sake

    NATO should have got ahead of him

    “Imported ballistic missiles are a red line. Don’t ask what happens asshole- we won’t tell you. But unlike you, crossing this redline WILL bring upon drastic changes”

  17. If I recall my Russian lessons in US Army school, that means he actually wants MORE long range missiles at home. Let’s feed his appetite.

  18. GraciaEtScientia on

    Can someone just buy him a set of multi colour crayons already, so the poor man can draw something OTHER than red lines?