1 Comment

  1. Effective-Writer7904 on

    Link to the video – [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qakKuXmOkWE&ab_channel=TheWatchers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qakKuXmOkWE&ab_channel=TheWatchers)

    An impulsive solar flare measuring X1.3 erupted from an unnumbered active region on the SE limb of the Sun at 09:43 UTC on September 12.

    Associated with this event was a 10cm Radio Burst (tenflare) lasting 2 minutes and with a peak flux of 240 sfu.

    A 10cm radio burst indicates that the electromagnetic burst associated with a solar flare at the 10cm wavelength was double or greater than the initial 10cm radio background. This can be indicative of significant radio noise in association with a solar flare. This noise is generally short-lived but can cause interference for sensitive receivers including radar, GPS, and satellite communications.

    Radio frequencies were forecast to be most degraded over Africa and parts of Europe and Asia at the time of the flare.