
She was investigated and suspended because, as a member of the disciplinary commission, she allegedly had private meetings with Judge Sivillo, who was undergoing disciplinary proceedings, and she allegedly suggested her defense (this judge recorded everything).

She never wanted to resign, so the CSM voted to suspend her with 22 votes in favor, six against and two blank ballots.

Furthermore, according to some, her friendship with Ignazio La Russa would have helped her to obtain election to the CSM by Parliament.

She still doesn’t want to resign.

Natoli, with others present, in the meeting that took place in November 2023 had tried to develop a defense strategy for Sivillo, giving her advice on how to proceed. In doing so, he would have violated the secrecy of the council chamber. The judge, however, had recorded the entire meeting.

In July of this year, during the new meeting of the disciplinary commission, Fascetto’s defense attorney Carlo Taormina had deposited a USB stick with the recording and transcription of the entire conversation, which was able to view. As emerged a few weeks later, Natoli is under investigation for revealing official secrets. Initially, the Rome Prosecutor’s Office had also hypothesized the crime of abuse of office, which however was repealed by the Meloni government.

For his part, Natoli responded during the CSM plenum meeting, before the vote, with a speech: "I find myself undergoing a summary proceeding, on the basis of a USB stick, by the Rome Prosecutor’s Office. I strongly stigmatize the behavior of the Rome Prosecutor’s Office, I want to respond but I want the terms provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure to be respected".

Posted by giuliomagnifico


  1. giuliomagnifico on

    La cosa divertente è che Taormina ha depositato una chiavetta USB con la conversazione registrata e lei dice proprio:

    > “Mi ritrovo a subire un procedimento sommario, sulla base di una chiavetta Usb, da parte della Procura di Roma.”

    Ovvero sarebbe un “procedimento sommario” perchè ci sarebbe la registrazione del reato.


  2. Sono così stanco della questa strafottenza e senso di impunità che questi soggetti ostentano anche quando sono presi in castagna in maniera così clamorosa. Allucinante come sia lampante la loro totale assenza di una benché minima forma di vergogna o di colpa, dobbiamo davvero cominciare a ributtare queste persone nel lerciume a cui appartengono.

  3. Cioè questa tizia viola il segreto di ufficio per aiutare una persona amica/conoscente e viene registrata e poi deferita?

    STRALOL, la prossima volta magari si fa gli affaracci suoi e basta!

  4. In realtà la tattica è palese: prendere tempo, continuare a fare il cazzo che si vuole, fiduciosi nella paralisi del sistema. Mica succede solo da noi…

  5. Esattamente come ti insegnano da piccoli “l’importante è negare, te nega sempre nel dubbio”