The police shooting of Jacob Blake reduced Black Chicago residents’ trust in police


  1. Hey folks, I co-authored this study. Here is some more info about it. (Please note it’s open access so feel free to read yourself.)

    Although previous studies also found that high-profile police violence damages perceptions of police, we found these changes were most pronounced among three groups: Black residents, young people, and those who had previously been arrested or charged with a crime.

    We identify a causal effect through an “unexpected event during survey design”: Blake’s shooting occurred at the midpoint of a health survey which included questions about policing. We compared responses from before and after the shooting. The treatment and control groups appeared similar enough that we didn’t need to use any matching protocol to improve the balance across groups.

    We were also surprised to find no effect for whites. Past research found that white perceptions of police changed after George Floyd was killed in May; Jacob Blake was shot in Aug, so it could be the case that white ‘learning’ about police violence hit a ‘ceiling.’ On the other hand, Black perceptions of police were quite negative to begin with, so it is notable to observe further declines.

    Our study appears to be the first to examine whether perception changes differ between residents who have prior exposure to criminalization and those who do not.

  2. Black people in Chicago trust police?  Don’t they basically disappear people in a black site?

  3. I’ve been in Chicago over a decade. I’m sure the study is accurate. It’s just not mentioned here why this is so significant.. There basically already wasn’t any trust of the police in the black community, and yet this somehow was so bad it made them trust cops EVEN LESS.