Russian soldiers drag a dead russian into their UAZ-452 “Bukhanka”.

Posted by AgreeableFreedom6203


  1. The dude must’ve been important to them. Orc #1 goes off into the bushes to puke. Orc#2 bends over and says, “blyat.” to himself. Driver Orc is looking up, waiting for the moment to get worse, and orc#4 wants to load Orc #0.5 and get paid.

  2. Do they? This seems to more like the’re dragging a *half*-orc. And we can only speculate what they wan to do with him. Probably it depends on whether the ass is intact.

  3. Creative-Loveswing on

    Why do i feel like these guys are hungry and this cadaver might just be on the menu tonight?

  4. asdhjasdhlkjashdhgf on

    not surprising they are way over time of their 3 day spezialnaya millitarskoye operatsje, they are literally dragging their feet.

    ps: thought about.. can it be ‘clever’ officer figure out he needs unidentifiable evidence to declare himself or someone else dead and get out of the matrix.

  5. This is as close as you’ll ever get to esprit de corps with a ruzzian. The next closest is poke the body with a stick to confirm it’s dead then run away.

  6. Is that his spine? And what the fuck did happen at the very beginning? Was it his head falling off and some tissue being dragged with him? Or just organs falling out?

  7. Theres no way you can tell thats a russian. Its half a corpse. 

     And I would bet money its a UA soldier they are dragging, with behavior like that.

  8. Those legs are awfully dainty for whats supposed to be a soldier..

    Dissapearing a female victim?