
Via Mobile BankID


Via Mobile BankID


Via Mobile BankID


Via Mobile BankID


Via web form – Email the template below with name and social security number.


Via web form


By e-mail – Email the template below with name and social security number.
E-mail address: [info@birthday.se](courtesy:info@birthday.se)


Via e-mail
E-mail address: [info@biluppgifter.se](courtesy:info@biluppgifter.se)

These only if you have been convicted…


Via e-mail
E-mail address: [support@krimfup.se](courtesy:support@krimfup.se)


Via web form

Have used this template.


I hereby wish to exercise my right to erasure pursuant to Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

I request that all personal data linked to me be removed from your database and website. This means that no person should be able to see information about me, including legal documents and other information linked to my name and social security number, on your service.

You can find information about your obligations on the Privacy Protection Authority’s website (www.imy.se). The Court of Appeal’s latest ruling establishes that databases that publish data for commercial purposes are not considered to have a journalistic purpose and are therefore required to comply with the GDPR.

I look forward to your response to my deletion request as soon as possible. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards,
First name Last name
Social security number

Request removal of personal content from Google Search

Used this template as a reason for removal…

  1. This page is about me because it includes specific personal details, such as my name and address. The content directly identifies me, and these details are private and sensitive.

(2) The continued presence of this information violates my rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Specifically, it infringes on my right to privacy and data protection as outlined in Article 17 (Right to Erasure) of the GDPR. The information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was originally collected or processed, and its continued publication is not justified by any overriding legitimate interest, thus requiring its removal to comply with EU data protection laws.

Block your address with the Address lock

Prevent others from changing your address

Still available at upplysning.se. Not sure if their web form even works so have also sent an email to [info@upplysning.se](courtesy:info@upplysning.se)

birthday.se have removed me for non-members when you are anonymous but I can be seen if you are a member, have again requested that they remove my information.

biluppgifter.se answered like this…
Car data does not publish any personal data. If you have views on other sites, you can contact directly judgment. We have no option to delete information that is public. For this you need to contact the relevant authorities.
All vehicle and owner information is available from the Swedish Transport Agency, in accordance with the principle of openness which is part of the freedom of the press regulation and one of our four constitutions.
The processing of personal data at Bildata is carried out in accordance with current legislation. From 2018, this takes place according to the EU’s new Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Before that, handling was regulated in the Personal Data Act (1998:204), PUL. Both of these laws contain provisions aimed at protecting private individuals against having their personal integrity violated when data is handled.
The information available on the website biluppgifter.se consists of a database with proof of issue. The database is protected by the Freedom of Expression Basic Law (1991:1469) (YGL), which means that the database has constitutional protection. One effect of the applicability of constitutional protection is that the GDPR does not apply to Vehicle Data.

Not available on krimfup.se or lexbase.se, but maybe someone has experience with how it works?

On the other sites, my personal data has been removed and Google has also removed the web links I requested.

Skydda personuppgifter! Ta bort er från mrkoll.se, birthday.se och ratsit.se!
byu/993GTS insweden

Posted by 993GTS


  1. Bra sammanfattning. Jag har nyligen flyttat, vet du om det finns problem med att man dyker upp igen på alla dessa sidor efter att ens uppgifter har ändrats hos Skatteverket?

  2. Nervous-Strength9847 on

    Tar grisarna på MrKoll äntligen bort vid förfrågan? Fantastiskt, någon som vet varför? Har helt missat.

  3. Såhär svarar Lexbase om man skickar mallen från ditt inlägg:


    Lexbase är en rättsdatabas som speglar offentliga handlingar frÃ¥n Svenska myndigheter. Lexbase har utgivningsbevis för sin databas och den publicering som sker däri. Detta innebär att Lexbase databas och publicering är grundlagsskyddad i enlighet med den svenska offentlighetsprincipen sÃ¥som den uttrycks i Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen. Den svenska offentlighetsprincipen innebär att envar har rätt att ta del av offentliga handlingar. Domar avkunnade av svenska domstolar och beslut fattade av svenska myndigheter är just sÃ¥dana offentliga handlingar som envar i Sverige har rätt att ta del av, ohindrat av Dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR). Det handlar till syvende och sist om att Lexbase (och övriga aktörer) agerar utifrÃ¥n den offentlighetsprincip vÃ¥ra svenska domstolar och myndigheter arbetar utefter. Det domstolarna och myndigheterna publicerar i form av offentliga handlingar är även det Lexbase publicerar – i oförändrat skick. Polisens satta gallringsregler har ingen bäring pÃ¥ offentlighetsprincipen och de offentliga handlingar som kan begäras ut frÃ¥n domstolar och myndigheter och som av vÃ¥ra kunder kan ta del av i vÃ¥r databas. Bedömningen görs alltid hos vÃ¥ra kunder och Lexbase är endast en aktör som samlar in och synliggör offentliga handlingar pÃ¥ ett smidigt och tidseffektivt sätt. 


     I övrigt hänvisar Lexbase till innehållet i 1 kap. 7 § Lag (2018:218) med kompletterande bestämmelser till EU:s dataskyddsförordning.

     7 §   EU:s dataskyddsförordning och denna lag ska inte tillämpas i den utsträckning det skulle strida mot tryckfrihetsförordningen eller yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen.

  4. Fantastiskt bra info – tack

    Personligen tycker dock jag att med stöd av GDPR så borde man tas bort utan att jag ska be om det. Vill man vara med måste man godkänna det.

  5. PantlessPianoPlayer on

    Skydda era bank-id! Sök upp sidorna på egen hand och lita inte på länkar i ett redditinlägg. Bra mall och info dock!