New measurements of gravitational anomaly at low acceleration favor modified gravity, researcher claims

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  1. >”Wide binary stars” as direct probes of the nature of gravity at low acceleration weaker than about 1 nanometer per second squared have been hotly debated. 
    >The nature of gravity at such low acceleration is of utmost importance because the concept of dark matter, the gravitational dynamics of astrophysical systems, fundamental theories of physics and cosmology are all inextricably intertwined with it.

    >Two recent independent studies led by Kyu-Hyun Chae and Xavier Hernandez claim that the statistical properties of wide binary stars based on European Space Agency’s latest Gaia database deviate from the Newtonian expectation in agreement with the prediction of modified gravity theories under the new theoretical framework called modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND, sometimes referred to as Milgromian dynamics), introduced 40 years ago by Mordehai (Moti) Milgrom.
    >***The breakdown of Newtonian gravity at low acceleration would mean a scientific revolution whose full implications are immeasurably far-reaching.***