Well, what do we do with 13 Billion apples?


Posted by KinderEggSkillIssue


  1. IntentionFalse8822 on

    Don’t put it past them to buy everyone in the country an iPhone in order to get the money back to apple.

  2. Referencing the adage that “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, this windfall (heh) could keep the entire country healthy for 6.94 years.

  3. theotheririshguy on

    Considering the apples now outnumber us at about 2452 to 1 it’s a question of what will they do with us?

  4. Do we have an excessive surplus of apples this year? I only manage to eat about 3-4 apples a day.

    I can get paid in apples no problem

  5. Superbius_Occassius on

    We build a competing children’s hospital and let the two we would now have, fight for customers!

  6. Excellent, that will fund Ireland’s new €13b tech incentive lottery scheme, the proceeds of which will be distributed to one lucky randomly chosen tree-fruit-themed technology company with a five-letter name that was founded by at least one lad named Steve.

  7. mydosemakesangels on

    €13b? Could build a children’s hospital with that. Maybe get a bike shed if there’s any change.

  8. Just-Lavishness895 on

    i cannot believe this popped up on my homepage after i picked 4 kilos of apples off a few trees i found