Former minister Gennaro Sangiuliano is being investigated for embezzlement and disclosure and dissemination of official secrets by the Rome prosecutor’s office. His registration stems from the complaint filed by Avs deputy Angelo Bonelli

The checks will have to focus on the trips, stays, and dinners of the 41-year-old who assiduously accompanied the former minister in the last months of his office, to establish whether there was a diversion of public money for improper purposes. This does not mean that there necessarily had to be direct disbursements from the MIC, even if Boccia has already released the reservations in her name made by the ministry’s secretariat, but that she was also indirectly a “guest” of the minister, despite not having a contractual role in his staff. The thorniest cases are those of the trips to Liguria and Puglia to attend festivals and meetings financed by the ministry itself. Sangiuliano explained that the expenses were paid by the organizers, but it would still be public money. Checks will also be carried out on the use of the minister’s official car for the travel of the failed “adviser for major events”. The former minister claims that it was only a question of short trips, she points out that she was picked up several times from her home and also accompanied to concerts (Coldplay, Il Volo). Last hypothesis, that Sangiuliano included in the reimbursements due to him for the missions also the share for his guest

The prosecutors coordinated by the prosecutor Paolo Rebecchi will act on the same facts, but with the qualification proper to the accounting magistracy. Any damage to the treasury will be quantified in detail to then proceed to a possible contestation. The criminal magistracy has also registered Sangiuliano for disclosure and use of official secrets, presuming that Boccia had access to confidential information of the ministry, with reference in particular to the organization of the G7 of Culture in Pompeii.

Posted by giuliomagnifico


  1. Particular-Gas-9996 on

    Bisognerebbe portargli via tutto quello che ha ed esiliarlo in qualche paesino con 500 anime.

    Pure indagato di rivelazione di segreti d’ufficio… direttamente la fucilazione sarebbe più opportuna

  2. giuliomagnifico on

    Bonelli sta diventando “il Pannella” dei tempi moderni, fa una denuncia al giorno e si batte pure contro i mulini a vento, ahah (per fortuna però che ci sono queste persone)! Quando è andato con i sassi in parlamento per denunciare la siccità è stata epica, sembrava Tozzi =D

    Comunque, parlando seriamente, ricordate che è peculato anche se un ente (tipo organizzatore di un evento) prenota una stanza di albergo per Sangiuliano e la Boccia, non perchè non possano prenotare anche per 15 persone, ma devono avere un ruolo istituzionale. Sangiuliano mica può portare gli amici in gita scolastica a spese “nostre” (anche perchè molti enti che organizzano questi eventi, specialmente quelli culturali, sono pubblici), e ovviamente la Boccia non aveva alcun ruolo istituzionale (l’ha detto il Ministro stesso).

  3. sinceramente con tutte le cassate che sono venute fuori nel tempo di questo tizio, non ho mai capito come mai Meloni non lo voleva allontanare… qui mi sa che chi ricattava chi era qualcun altro, non la Boccia a Sangiuliano.