Sloe’s i know you can make sloe gin with, but the others?
Able-Exam6453 on
Those red ones aren’t from yew trees, are they?
maissari on
I’m in Laois and it was good for blackcurrants and redcurrants, although the birds ate every single one of the reds. Raspberries were thin on the ground compared to previous couple of years, but blackberry situation looks decent enough. Brambles everywhere of course, so rich pickings even if the berries are smaller and sparser on the vine.
dmcirl on
I seen a few people out picking them in the past week or 2, are they in season now?
yokyokyokyokyok on
Did you freeze the Rowanberries or use them fresh?
Sloe’s i know you can make sloe gin with, but the others?
Those red ones aren’t from yew trees, are they?
I’m in Laois and it was good for blackcurrants and redcurrants, although the birds ate every single one of the reds. Raspberries were thin on the ground compared to previous couple of years, but blackberry situation looks decent enough. Brambles everywhere of course, so rich pickings even if the berries are smaller and sparser on the vine.
I seen a few people out picking them in the past week or 2, are they in season now?
Did you freeze the Rowanberries or use them fresh?