What makes this even worse is that it states in the article that this Kildare property of his is actually his 2nd or 3rd home and not his main residence, which is in Sandymount.
Enough cheek for 3 arses.
NaturalAlfalfa on
Tech entrepreneur Mark Roden can go fuck himself
realxt on
ladder firmly pulled up!
sure_look_this_is_it on
I can see houses from my house.
It’s not that bad.
davesr25 on
“*And what ya gonna do about it eh peasants*”
itinerantmarshmallow on
How is it always (frequently) bats that are used as part of objecting.
Dangerous_Treat_9930 on
You can tell by the head on him that he is a wrong un, prob enjoys going down on DOB in the sauna!
marquess_rostrevor on
Anything I can see from my residence is a disgrace.
hisDudeness1989 on
The Bull Roden
LucyVialli on
What. A. Knob.
RebelGrin on
Fuck the greedy twats. Have it all but cannot allow the common folks to have a house.
What makes this even worse is that it states in the article that this Kildare property of his is actually his 2nd or 3rd home and not his main residence, which is in Sandymount.
Enough cheek for 3 arses.
Tech entrepreneur Mark Roden can go fuck himself
ladder firmly pulled up!
I can see houses from my house.
It’s not that bad.
“*And what ya gonna do about it eh peasants*”
How is it always (frequently) bats that are used as part of objecting.
You can tell by the head on him that he is a wrong un, prob enjoys going down on DOB in the sauna!
Anything I can see from my residence is a disgrace.
The Bull Roden
What. A. Knob.
Fuck the greedy twats. Have it all but cannot allow the common folks to have a house.