Noteworthy, NASA clears the air: No evidence that UFOs are aliens


  1. mhaiqthehonest on

    Following their bombshell revelation that there is no direct correlation between a cigarette habit and lung cancer, I’m sure.

  2. The COMETA Report (1999) concluded that 95% of sightings for which there was documented evidence could be plausibly attributed to natural or man-made sources. It’s okay to say “we don’t know” on the remaining 5%. There’s no need to jump to the extraterrestrial hypothesis to fill the gap when terrestrial explanations remain most likely despite the absence of evidence favoring one hypothesis over another.

  3. Are_you_blind_sir on

    We are not that special and the average american is most definitely not intelligent enough to be worth clandestinely spied on by aliens unless it was for comedy

    Edit: hard pill to swallow for the UFO crowd

  4. [As of 2012 there are at least four billion cameras in pockets and purses]( around the world. Yet there’s not a single unambiguous image of an alien transport – nothing so clear as [this,]( or [this,]( or even [this]( (all taken with phone cameras). Not one.

    Further, per the proponents, these things are not infrequent. Yet there’s not a single unambiguous crash, craft, or artifact anywhere. That, or they all drop in secret locations accessible only by the (predominantly US) government.

    To summarize, the claim they’re alien or supernatural is surely extraordinary, yet the proof – or even evidence – far less so.

  5. -CinnamonStix- on

    Why would the say otherwise? This is just one of those things I’ll never be able to trust the government on, personally 

  6. EmergencyPath248 on

    NASA denies but they never give an plausible explanation.

    What are they then, why do they make erratic movements and “break the laws of physics?”

    Before anyone engages in ad hominem with me for talking about this subject. Can you explain what UAP’s are and if they are “lens flares” or “camera effects” why does the military get involved?