I photographed Saturn while it was 3 degrees above the horizon before it disappeared behind the moon.


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  1. On the 27th June, I travelled to a vantage point 2 hours drive from home where I watched as the moon drifted to block our view of Saturn. The reason for the travel was to gain as much altitude above sea level as possible, for reasons that are described below. For about 40 minutes, Saturn was unable to be observed in the sky, until it reappeared from the moon’s shadow side. The images of Saturn are taken from a number of video’s over a roughly 1 hour time period as the event occurred.

    Images of Saturn from right to left:

    1. 10:53pm – Just before first contact, 3 degrees elevation.
    2. 11:41pm – Second contact as it begins to reappear, 13 degrees elevation.
    3. 11:43pm & 11:45pm – The moon continues past leaving Saturn hanging in the dark once more.

    The data of the moon was captured during the occultation in a 3 part mosaic. The image was captured using the same equipment, with no changes of focal length, camera, or any other equipment during the event. Due to the low altitude this occurred in the sky the details of both the moon and Saturn are blurred significantly by the atmosphere. Fingers crossed the next occultation occurs at a much higher altitude to the horizon so I can try and capture more details.

    SkyWatcher 190mm Maksutov Newtonian
    Rainbow Astro RST-135E
    ZWO ASI294MC
    TeleVue Powermate 2x

    [**I made a video on how you can take a photo like this (or even better):**](https://youtu.be/Gk2F9jBNLQI)