I just watched that video, on the one hand they praised the victory and on the other hand they made an Arab slander, saying no there is genocide in Gaza, there is death, there is horror, there is blood. Oh my god, why would a child take this death and brutality into his mind as a first lesson, why would his mind get upset, then with one minute he goes crazy saying Turkey did this, did that, Turkey’s stance is clear, there is also July 15th and so on, no we showed the resistance in Çanakkale again on July 15th, what does it have to do with it, we say, but how will the child know, how will he understand. How can I explain it correctly to my brother, what did you say to your children, your siblings, I mean what can be explained without confusing things too much, I’m going crazy, I just want to explain it in a somewhat familiar way. It was a fast and weird article, I apologize, I just want to say good evening.


Posted by Big-Register6917


  1. Icy-Macaroon1070 on

    Suriyelilere helal olsun. Savaşmadan ülke sahibi oldular. Türkler Abbasiler devrinde satılık asker olarak hizmetlerine girdikleri Araplara neredeyse 13 asırdır hizmet ediyorlar. Muhammed’e helal. Bir din projesi sayesinde birçok ulusu Araplara hizmetkar yaptı. Böyle bir dahi, bedevilerden nasıl çıkmış anlaşılır değil. 😂 cennet Arapların kucağında.

  2. MedicineUnusual2449 on

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