Richmond says stamp duty on bulk purchases should double

Posted by Static-Jak


  1. It should be multiplied 10x

    It’s a 10% tax it’s absolutely nothing to these giant companies buying them, even 20% isn’t enough. Make it 100 and thus essentially ban it

  2. How about jacking up inheritance tax too? If you want a social leveller, that’s a huge one. Divert (some) money from wealthy folks and redirect towards education/apprenticeships/whatever to create opportunities for everyone.

  3. Hipster_doofus11 on

    Tweet from Killian Woods [here](

    “The EXACT same data Fine Gael is using to now call for higher penalty for bulk purchasing houses was used by Sinn Féin in January to propose 17% stamp duty rate for funds bulk buying houses.

    Govt (with funnily enough Neale Richmond himself on the floor for the vote) opposed it”

  4. tasteful-musings on

    When someone is selling a house, there should be a restriction for the seller to not to rent it out, if they don’t agree add 23% VAT

  5. Neal’s party have been in power for 14 years. That SF housing proposal has given them the willies.