We are delusional. Last images are the old photos


Posted by Ok_Connection7680


  1. Ok_Connection7680 on

    Syunik is the most beautiful place in Armenia, if not in the entire Armenian highlands, yet we don’t even maintain its beauty. It could’ve been our cultural center

  2. It comes down to money basically. No money to maintain that stuff and even if there was, what’s the point if no one is going to visit those places?

    Be real, no one is going to drive for 4-6 hours on shitty roads just to see an Armenian village in mountains and come back. Not nearly comparable to famous tourist destinations.

    You would have to invest hundreds of millions to making it pretty, hundreds of millions in good infrastructure to get tourists there, and make barely anything in return on some niche segment of tourists who are into mountain villages. The same money could be used on other things which have more potential of generating income.

    Everything is about money.