This is insane. 🥲

Data security? Forget about it. What kind of Pandora’s box Skirma has opened here – it is still difficult to predict, but we must know, talk and understand about it.

As far as cybersecurity is concerned, there are basically no secure IT systems, even if they are air-gapped. All data is available if desired.

As always, the convenience-security trade-off principle works here: the mentioned bank e.g. whose logins are not convenient (2FA, MFA, biometrics, other auth methods, etc.), but significantly safer.

Everyone else follows suit "good enough" principle, is "oh what’s up" methodology. As a result, we have a consistently and carefully collected master-database of such organizations, where information about almost everyone and everything is at hand… Such things have been going on in the darknet for a long time, only here everything is at a purely national level.

Čia truputį next level shit. Ir tas shit just hit the fan. Show must go on t’sakant.

Posted by TopCryptee


  1. Kaip tik prisiminiau reikia eilinį kartą Matrix filmą pažiūrėti nes senokai mačiau, reikia normalių čipsų eiti nupirkti. Px kad 5 eurus kainuos bulvių maišelis. Kaip tik algą pervedė tai turėtų užtekti pinigų.

  2. foundationdrainer on

    Peržiūrėjau. Kol nesusimąstai, atrodo kaip ir nieko, bet kai pagalvoji plačiau, tai.. nesiūlykit čia belekam porą mėnesių pažiūrėt YT kursus ir persikvalifikuot dirbt IT – patys matot kas darosi 🙂