Russian soldiers going back to the front on crutches after injuries

Posted by BigDeckBob


  1. It reminds of the russian painting from 1870’s: [](

    “It depicts 11 men physically dragging a barge on the banks of the Volga River. They are at the point of collapse from exhaustion, oppressed by heavy, hot weather.

    Although they are presented as stoical and accepting, the men are defeated.”

  2. The Ruzzian medical discharge form has only one question and two tick boxes on it. If you tick ‘no I am not dead’ you get to show up in this video or one like it.

  3. FlamingFlatus64 on

    Talk about cannon fodder. This isn’t even Monty Python Black Knight funny. It’s too surreal to comprehend. They don’t even get a pair of crutches. They have to share and find a walking stick.

  4. Not even “a pair of crutches” shared between them (which would be bad enough).

    Walking fertilizer, ready in a few short days

  5. Ok_Philosopher_7239 on

    These people are in no condition to fight. It is pretty obvious they are just there for meat shields to soak up the drones, bombs, mines and bullets.

  6. WhenTheLightHits30 on

    I only just the other day saw it for the first time, but it’s absolutely wild how incredibly effective something as simple as barbed wire has become.

    Simply stretching this across any field these guys would cross would be as good as any wall with the condition these guys are in

  7. Lol do you have some water bro when everyone is sleeping, whoop your ass, the fuck out of there and go right on the street straight to the Ukraine position if your superiors try to shoot you a drone is probably going to drop a grenade on them.

  8. Grand-Consequence-99 on

    These mothefuckers still think they gonna invade NATO. LMAO. NATO soldiers would be mad after arriving and finding out these are the guys they need to fight…

  9. PontificatinPlatypus on

    Putin doesn’t really want to have to pay for 30-40 years of veterans disability. (If russia even has such a thing.)

  10. PineappleMelonTree on

    “I cannot walk.”

    “Can you hold a gun?”


    “Back to the front with you.”

    * Not given a gun and sent anyway *

  11. buttface-Mchaggle on

    We’re lucky they are soooo fucking stupid

    This has to be a moral buster for sure

    WTF one man one crutch

  12. ShadowWizardMuniGang on

    Idk, even a monster should be able to see that a crippled soldier can’t be of to much use on a battlefield

  13. The fact that the guy can’t use the crutch properly is the cherry on top of a very depressing scene

  14. Republic_Jamtland on

    It’s almost 30 degrees celsius where the fighting going on right now. These are dressed for winter or something.

    Please step it up!

  15. Here’s the thing. The same soldiers are killing unarmed Ukrainian soldiers and I’m supposed to feel sorry for them? Ukraine can’t turn around and start doing the same thing to Russian POWs, it simply is not within a Ukrainians heart.. When this is all over, Russia will be a mess along with the DPRK, Iran and China for helping Putin engage in crimes against humanity. The biggest different between us and places like China or Russia is that we value life. Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un are murdering sociopaths who were brainwashed from birth. It’s been going on for hundreds of years for Russians. War crimes is a Russian specialty, no wonder these places are helping Putlin. They’re part of the same club of being guilty of crimes against humanity.

  16. Mountain-Crab3438 on

    Russian positions close to the front line: “Come along, one crutch and one stick per person. You follow the person in front of you. If he get killed you get his crutch and move forward on two crutches.”