Green light for 700 cost rental and social homes in Cherry Orchard in Dublin

Posted by Dead_Parrot


  1. boardsmember2017 on

    Need to be doing this on enormous scale tbh, private interests need to be fully removed from the property owning/building process full stop. Profiteering on property should be made illegal.

  2. Substantial_Rope8225 on

    Cherry Orchard is a kip, I hope they plan on building some schools and other social facilities out there otherwise it’s just going to make the place worse

  3. Submitting an objection for “overlooking”. The poors and foreigners who inhabit these…apartments are degenerates who only want to live in apartments so they can perv over the rest of us!

  4. Said it in the post yesterday…
    We need more home…
    Yes it’s not the greatest area, and Ballyfermot is at capacity. Schools and GP’s are full. Buses are full before they get to Cherry Orchard and then factor in the anti-social behaviour in Cherry Orchard.
    They are across from Cederbrook so not in Cherry Orchard….but still.

    There are no shops up there at all.

  5. As someone from the area, there is fuck all infrastructure up that way. It’s all well and good putting these up, but there’s nothing in Cherrier to support all those people moving in. Look at parkwest ffs.

    They are knocking down the schools and bringing thousands of more people in the area… With less schools and doctors. No forward thinking at all.

  6. The government letting its citizens down again . Instead of building homes to buy this shower of muppets are now letting foreign investors build house to rent to people. FG/FF need to be dragged out of thr Dail.

  7. If they keep building social and affordable housing with no additional resources, in about 10-20 years West Dublin will make 80s Ballymun look like a fucking utopia. No schools, no civic offices, businesses, nothing.

    I’ve just moved into a new estate in Clondalkin and while there is a Lidl going in, no school, the playground they built was already removed after about a week due to noise complaints and the creche they promised will now instead be, you guessed it, more houses.

    I’m not against social housing, but just dumping it all in the same place and saying ‘good enough’ is not the solution, it’s just another slum in the making.

  8. Mundane-Audience6085 on

    They call it Cherry Orchard Point but it really isn’t going to do anything for Cherry Orchard itself. Cherry Orchard is the most deprived location in this area and starting a new community at the bottom edge does very little to the area that needs support. It’s almost as if they have given up on the area. Also good luck to anybody trying to get out of there by car. Cloverhill Road going up to Liffey Valley is already piling up at busy times.