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On September 5, 1955, a sound bomb was thrown at Atatürk’s house in Thessaloniki. This news was distributed all over the country within hours with the headline “Our Atatürk’s house was damaged by a bomb!” Of course, this was not the first news, this hatred had been gradually instilled in the public through many news articles against the Greek people due to the Cyprus Problem over the years. The İstanbul Ekspres newspaper, which normally printed 25,000 copies every day, exceeded its normal circulation by 12 times that day and printed 300,000 copies. At that time, there was a great paper and ink shortage in the country and a foreign exchange shortage between 1954 and 1960. In addition, the distribution of official advertisements to newspapers and the allocation of paper to be printed were completely in the hands of the government. When the news reached the public, the public, especially the government-supported “Cyprus is Turkish Association”, took to the streets. People with axes were brought in trucks and all Christian houses, especially those of Greek families, were attacked. Somehow, all Christian houses were singled out as if they were placed there by hand and were looted and set on fire, as if someone had given everyone their addresses. The attacks and looting continued for 2 days and when they did not stop, the Turkish Armed Forces got involved. Tanks took to the streets to intervene in the looting that took place in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara. A total of +10,500 houses, including 4,214 houses, 1,004 workplaces, 73 churches, 1 synagogue, 2 monasteries, 26 schools and 5,317 facilities including factories, hotels and bars, were turned into ruins, and Greek cemeteries were torn apart. At least 15 deaths, 300 assaults and 60 rapes (only the number of those who went to the hospital) were reported. The hate speech did not end after the incidents. The attacks were described as a “noble rebellion”.

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In the end, it was understood that the attack on Atatürk’s house in Thessaloniki was the work of the current government and an agent sent from Turkey. Bayer, Zorlu, Köprülü and Menderes were tried.
A striking detail is contained in a telegram sent by the Turkish ambassador to England, which at the time had formed a coalition against Greece over the Cyprus issue, just a few months before the incident. ”I think the Turks are beginning to worry about the situation. When I saw my Turkish colleague, who is also a close friend of mine, yesterday, he expressed his concern about the course of events. As I mentioned in my message, relations are not very good at the moment and it is clear that the apparent Turkish-Greek friendship is fragile: even a small shock could suffice. Even a trivial incident like writing a slogan with chalk on the wall of the house where Ataturk was born in Thessaloniki is enough to cause chaos..”

The deep state commander at the time, who had disguised himself as the Special Warfare Department and was directly connected to the General Staff and was carrying out counter-guerrilla activities, was also quoted as saying, “…September 6-7 was also a Special Warfare operation. It achieved its goal. I ask you, wasn’t it a magnificent organization?” he said. I gave you more details but From the archive of the 32nd Day documentary You can take a look at the effects of the issue at the public level.ül_olaylarının_69_yıl_dönümü/

Posted by DanceWithMacaw


  1. DanceWithMacaw on


    • Baskın Oran, Etnik ve Dinsel Azınlıklar, Alfa Basım, İstanbul, 2023 (syf. 325-331)

    • 6-7 Eylül Olaylarında Neler Yaşandı? | 1955 | 32. Gün Arşivi

  2. Direct-Author1345 on

    Türkiye’de başa geçen hükümetler neden hep korku ve kaostan besleniyor ve politikaları hep farklı kesimleri birbirine düşürmek, toplumsal huzursuzluk? Yaptıkları yolsuzluklar konuşulmasın diye mi? Gerçekten anlamıyorum. 70 yılda ne bu halkta ve tabii ki ne de bu halkın arasından çıkan politikacılarda bir değişim olmuş.

  3. student_studying_ on

    6-7 Eylül olayları değil o.Rum Pogromu ve İstanbuldaki tüm gayrimüslimler hedef alındı.

    Baştan sona planlanmış bir hareket idi.Şayet o insanlar oradan cikmasaydi.Ve günümüz Müslüman nüfusun artış grafiğini de hesaba katarsak sadece Rumların şu an en az 500 bin kadar nüfusları vardı.

  4. Bir Türk olarak bu savunulamaz, meşrulaştırılamaz pogrom sebebiyle Rumlardan özür dilerim. Multikültürelliğini kaybetmiş olan Türkiye daha zayıf bir Türkiye’dir. Gönül isterdi ki Rum, Ermeni ve diğer azınlık vatandaşlar bu ülkenin bağrında eşit statüde muamele görebilselerdi.