Vance says school shootings are ‘a fact of life.’ That’s cowardice, not leadership.


  1. Mike_Pences_Mother on

    We, as a country, cannot accept this as an answer. I don’t care what party you belong to (or none at all), we simply cannot accept that the people who are supposed to be there for we the people have simply surrendered.

  2. It shows a lack of empathy.

    Would you want a leader who can’t or won’t empathize with your struggles?

    I wouldn’t.

  3. This is what people who never intend to help improve the country will tell you.

    They are never going to “promote the general welfare”.

  4. yourlittlebirdie on

    I was going to say it’s because his kids attend private school and have private security but honestly after seeing how he is towards his kids, I’m not entirely convinced he would even care that much.

  5. I think they all accept and couldn’t say the real answer. A few dead people (including children) is a small cost to pay for our interpretation of the 2nd amendment.

  6. Politicians won’t do anything about school shootings until one happens at a fancy private school and kills the heir-apparent of whatever industrial or political dynasty. This stuff hasn’t ever directly hurt the political class, and nothing will change until it does

  7. Not exactly the “We choose to go to the Moon” energy you’d expect from such a forward thinking leader. ^^/s

  8. pretty common refrain with the Republicans and the NRA – their answers to guns is always “freedom” and more guns. they don’t care about solving gun problems because they don’t see mass shootings and school shootings as a problem. facts like guns being the leading cause of death for children in America and this statistic being exclusive to America is just another kpi for the guns and ammo industry (aka: GOP and NRA)

  9. Significant-Ad-8684 on

    150 years ago, Vance would say “Yep slavery sucks but hey that’s the reality we live in”

  10. Well if school shootings are just a fact of life then so is abortion or books in school libraries. Also gender reassignment is a fact of life and taxing the ultra wealthy. It’s funny that he of all people is saying this because he doesn’t think innocent children should die to abortion but if it happens in school that doesn’t have Stephan King is cool. JD Vance is making a move to become the almighty king of weird.

  11. No. Kids go to school to learn, take math tests, participate in sports, learn their capabilities, learn to draw and enjoy music, make new friends and hang out with them, and grow up. These are the facts of life that are normal. Shootings in schools are not normal and rob dead kids of all the other actually normal activities.

  12. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 88%. (I’m a bot)
    > To throw your hands up and say school shootings are just the reality we live in? That's weak.

    > Republicans routinely holler at liberals for talking about gun laws after a school shooting – "Too soon!" they shout – but I guess they're fine with their vice presidential candidate standing up the day after two school children were shot to death and saying, "Welp, whatcha gonna do?".

    > Vance had proven himself a schmuck and a horrid retail politician before his comments about school shootings being "a fact of life." But now good lord.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~693449 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **school**^#1 **shoot**^#2 **Vance**^#3 **Georgia**^#4 **live**^#5

  13. ReallySaltyPeppers on

    “No way to prevent this” Says couch-loving man from the only nation where this regularly happens

  14. Nothing to do here…move along. Meanwhile, he’s behind a bullet-proof shielding. Maybe we should force him to attend school without his protective unit???

  15. IPA__________Fanatic on

    He wants to force women to give birth to children they may not be able to properly care for with the idea in his own head that when they go to school one day and get shot, then that’s just life and nothing can be done. Why?

  16. The optics of standing behind bullet proof glass while talking about school shootings isn’t great. I can’t do much to protect your kids but look at this beautiful glass I have around me.

  17. “We don’t have to like the reality that we live in, but it is the reality we live in.”

    And it is the reality because this country (well, at least the Republicans) always put guns over lives. The 2A is more important than our right to … not get killed.

  18. Seeing something that sucks and proposing simple and effective ways to make it better. That’s literally Senator Vance’s *one fucking job*.

    How on earth does this weird-ass monster think “Welp, we like guns, so guess those schools are just the cost of doing business!” qualifies him for a promotion?

  19. Vance might benefit from realizing, like George Costanza once did, that every instinct he has is wrong, and he should do/say the opposite of what his gut tells him.

  20. If we had better doors and security at our schools the shooters couldn’t get in and would probably just wander off and kill elsewhere, problem solved I guess. Sarcasm just in case

  21. awrinkleinsprlinker on

    Most people from outside of the US realize how ridiculous of a statement this is in 2024. I told a Mexican person this and she said “huh?”.

    Genuinely confused

  22. “The price of freedom is the blood of our children” There JD, I said what you wanted to say. You fucking shit.

  23. This not only looks like a pig, he is one. I can’t wait for Tim Walz to crush this mf’er in the debate.

  24. ToughAuthorityBeast1 on

    Abortion is a part of life and if Juvenile Delinquent Vance doesn’t like that statement, oh well, too bad, so sad for him, he has my permission to rape his couch out of anger over it.

  25. Republicans are so proud life they should personally defend these innocent kids. Take the bullet for them. Kids are worth much more than couch fucker Vance.