The commentator mentioned a mine stationed in the treeline, which would have to be a German PARM mine, because it’s the only directional mine Ukraine is using.
Key-Seaworthiness568 on
“A PARM direction mine, an ATGM and a PTM mine hit a Russian BMP-1”
This the war equivalent of “An englishman, Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar”?
panzermike666 on
that driver didn;t get the hint did he? i wonder at what point he thought well maybe this ain’t a good idea
xlr8_87 on
Hard to tell on a small screen but looks like the Parm just missed?
fart_huffington on
Oh man they’re straight up too fast for the PARM, I didn’t realize you could do that
CasuallyWise on
Wouldn’t want to have been on THAT ‘Joy Ride’.
I bet those guys who managed to bail out from the BMP were pretty Fucked up + completely deaf! 🥴🤮😱
K-2 always does a great job of protecting their country
Source: [](😉
The commentator mentioned a mine stationed in the treeline, which would have to be a German PARM mine, because it’s the only directional mine Ukraine is using.
“A PARM direction mine, an ATGM and a PTM mine hit a Russian BMP-1”
This the war equivalent of “An englishman, Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar”?
that driver didn;t get the hint did he? i wonder at what point he thought well maybe this ain’t a good idea
Hard to tell on a small screen but looks like the Parm just missed?
Oh man they’re straight up too fast for the PARM, I didn’t realize you could do that
Wouldn’t want to have been on THAT ‘Joy Ride’.
I bet those guys who managed to bail out from the BMP were pretty Fucked up + completely deaf! 🥴🤮😱