Will be the first reservoir to be built since 1992.
Should also be noted that local MP, Layla Moran, was very much opposed to it.
Thebritishdovah on
Ok but will they keep a close eye on Thames Water? Or will they act surprised if they claim they lack the money, fuck it up and flood it with shit?
Nopedr on
Look at all that green, could put some houses there.
BestButtons on
> A previous public inquiry in 2010 saw the government reject the plans.
> A previous bid to build a reservoir on the site in 2011 was rejected by the government
It took only 8 years to land a man on the Moon from the initial promise.
So it took only about 20 years to get it approved. Impressive. Next they’ll probably lose another decade to legal challenges.
JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on
Why the fuck would anyone trust Thames water to control the water supply for the next 50 years.
ExxInferis on
But will Thames Water executives bonuses be suspended until a successful and timely delivery? No? Then what fucking incentive is there to deliver? We know integrity has been flushed.
Will be the first reservoir to be built since 1992.
Should also be noted that local MP, Layla Moran, was very much opposed to it.
Ok but will they keep a close eye on Thames Water? Or will they act surprised if they claim they lack the money, fuck it up and flood it with shit?
Look at all that green, could put some houses there.
> A previous public inquiry in 2010 saw the government reject the plans.
> A previous bid to build a reservoir on the site in 2011 was rejected by the government
It took only 8 years to land a man on the Moon from the initial promise.
So it took only about 20 years to get it approved. Impressive. Next they’ll probably lose another decade to legal challenges.
Why the fuck would anyone trust Thames water to control the water supply for the next 50 years.
But will Thames Water executives bonuses be suspended until a successful and timely delivery? No? Then what fucking incentive is there to deliver? We know integrity has been flushed.