Over two thirds of Swiss people are tired and exhausted


Posted by Realistic-Lie-8031


  1. This survey was conducted at 3am outside the nightclub. 

    Scientists are worried about the other 1/3 and how strong drugs must be getting.


  2. The solution is to extend the weekly working hours to 58.73h, mandatory for everyone to work on saturday, mandatory public pro-bono work on sundays and generally make all things even more complicated. /s

    On a serious note – CSS conducts a survey and they conclude that a lot of people think they are “not feeling well” ? Hm, yeah, sounds legit.

  3. Back in my day mumble mumble mumble we did mumble mumble mumble and didn’t complain!
    Kids these days are so entitled…

  4. Infinite_Purpose9750 on

    Not to challenge the study – but not exactly surprising a health insurer finding many people are… not healthy.

  5. Spend 1 fr on an OK energy drink then…….. With or without your divine right to include sugar or not.🤪