1. Time_Error_7874 on

    She’s a joke. Her whole family has been on camera multiple times waving trump flags. It’s not even hidden anymore.

  2. Good on CREW – it needs to be pushed for.

    >The court document said that if the court reverses Cannon’s ruling in the case, it would be the third time in less than three years that it has had to do so in a “seemingly straightforward case about a former president’s unauthorized possession of government documents.”

    >“A reasonable member of the public could conclude, as many have, that the dismissal was the culmination of Judge Cannon’s many efforts to undermine and derail the prosecution of this case,” the document said.

    This is a [reference to the only law that really matters](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/455):

    >Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might **reasonably be questioned**.

    The problem with recusal and why the bar is so high – is that “bias” often takes the position of something utterly unmistakable. Fiduciary, family, financial matters – things that have clear papertrails. Her appointment by Trump will have no bearing to bias.

    And her repeated errors that have been reversed *might* qualify for the circuit to determine impartiality, but it’s also the position of the appellate courts that they are the check on errors and being a terrible judge that sucks at the law isn’t enough by itself to reach this bar.

    I hope she is removed and think it’s certainly possible, but I’m also not holding my breath.

  3. What worries me the most is that this is part of a deliberate strategy by the Trump administration to stack the courts with judges sympathetic to him and his causes. It really diminishes the whole concept of separation of powers in the US.

    What disgusts me is that we trust our elected officials to play by the rules. Trump doesn’t even pretend anymore. He’s overtly trying to undermine our institutions, and his supporters go right along with it. Its frankly chilling.

  4. She is the hackiest of hack lawyers. It’s been well reported and that she has bought Trump as much time as she has already proves the legal system is severely dysfunctional.

    It’s an open scandal.

  5. A new picture of her? Where did this come from? Trying to find any pictures is almost impossible.

  6. Murky_Researcher5980 on

    She may recuse herself. She has no reason to stay on the case. She did what she was told to do, put it to bed until after the election.

  7. Infinite_Spell6402 on

    this was a win win for her no matter what happens. if Trump gets elected, then there is a good chance he will reward her loyalty by putting her on the supreme courts. he he loses , then she can go back to private practice making money faster than a xerox in the 80s

  8. Just the simple fact that she’s hearing a case where the defendant is the person who appointed her a judge. Why isn’t that a conflict of interest?

  9. InevitableAvalanche on

    If I am supposed to respect lawyers and judges, they need to meet basic standards. Cannon is a disaster of a judge if they want us to take the profession seriously. She should have been removed a long time ago.

  10. TrumptyPumpkin on

    She gets to be a judge for the person who appointed her. Should be a clear cut conflict of interest

  11. Cannon is too partisan and inept to preside over an espionage case, this involves national security and she’s treating it as abandoned boxes in a storage rental.