Eurostat tables on the “Social Scoreboard” according to which On the other hand, Italy’s scores on the employment and unemployment front are improving and on the poverty of those who work which falls below 10% for the first time since 2010. As regards** incomes in the EU the average rises from 110.12 to 110.82 (2008 equal to 100) while Italy falls from 94.15 to 93.74**

Our country also records a collapse for the Neet (young people who are not in an education and training path and do not work) with the passage from 19% to 16.1%.

Social data in Italy are also improving on the education front: the percentage of those who leave school early drops from 11.5% to 10.5% (from 9.7% to 9.5% in the EU on average).

This it’s the Eurostat table with the trend of real income. Here are the others and the rest:

Posted by giuliomagnifico


  1. giuliomagnifico on

    …riesco sempre a non accorgermi di qualche errore nella formattazione del markdown. Mammamia sono indecente, ahah, il bello è che rileggo ma non mi accorgo. Dannazione!

  2. forza4truccato on

    immagino la felicità di quelli che in fila alla Caritas hanno votato per la Meloni, questo è tutto per voi raga, a riprova del fatto che la destra sociale non esiste.