The portal has all kinds of content. Something is the top, something is the bottom of the bottom. The quality fluctuates drastically. But I bet no one on that very popular site attracts more traffic (in the form of clicks and especially comments) than this one a genius! A man has made a career out of trolling.

Not only are his headlines excellent click-bait, he also writes long, eloquent, thoughtful texts… the main purpose of which is to arouse negative emotions! It is completely secondary whether he believes in what he writes. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The targets are fear and anger.

Sometimes he intentionally draws the reader’s anger onto himself by writing half-truths, sometimes he directs it towards popular villains: the government, scumbags, immigrants, "elite"politicians (of all parties), Serbs, inflation and instability… Look at his title history! He found a formula that works like a charm.

Posted by NinaNot


  1. Priprema za političku karijeru možda?

    Piše sve i svašta, no ima i točnih informacija i zanimljivih razmišljanja ako vam se da čitat.

    Imamo dvije najverojatnije mogućnosti: ekipa na vrhu ne radi u našem najboljem interesu, manipulira javnim mnijenjem i kulturom, pa autor pokazuje rupe u sustavu, neefikasnosti i gluposti koje je moguće “ispraviti”

    Ili mu je jako dobro jasno koliko ljudi gutaju pattern “opasnost, neprijatelj, spas” i samo vježba/grinda.

    Što je vjerojatnije?

    ZNA SE

  2. Like već godinama piše tekstove u kojima si umišlja da iznosi “teške istine koje ljudi ne žele čuti”, a zapravo je solidno odvojen od stvarnosti o kojoj pokušava srati kvake, te se glavom zavukao u vlastiti šupak i tamo uživa u miomirisu vlastitih prdeža…