Römerswil is on the left side. Nunwil is on the right side.
When you drive from Nunwil to Römerswil, the “General 50” speed limit (50 km/h) is lifted on both roads, meaning the speed limit is 80 km/h (Green route).
If you’re coming from Römerswil and turn right just before the “General 50 Lifted” sign, there are no signs until you reach Nunwil. So, it should still be 50 km/h since it was never lifted (Red & Blue routes).
In this case, Green can drive down at 80 km/h, but Red can only drive up at 50 km/h.
However, if you drive on the Yellow or Pink routes, you can drive at 80 km/h. This is because when you enter the road, the “General 50” was already lifted.
If you drive up Green into the village, you never encounter a 50 km/h sign, even though you’re driving in an 80 km/h zone. But because you’re in a densely populated area, 50 km/h automatically applies.
Is this correct? Or did I miss something?
Where exactly does “innerorts” (within town limits) and “ausserorts” (outside town limits) apply?
Did they just forget to put up a sign? Or is this normal?
I don’t know about this case, but they often forget / omit to put a sign after roadworks on the motorway, so you slow down to 80 and then just have to kind of guess when it’s ok to speed up again. Very annoying.
ztbwl on
And if you parked your car in Ärebolgentobel and start driving from there you are allowed 120km/h since you didn’t encounter any sign?
HF_Martini6 on
HerisauAR on
Doesnt an intersection outside of towns (no more “Generell”) lift all restrictions? Like Kreisel? From an old [20mins.ch](http://20mins.ch) post: “**Jede Verzweigung hebt ein Verbot auf** Die Kantonspolizei GraubĂĽnden erklärt in ihrem Facebook-Beitrag: «Ein Kreisverkehr oder eine Kreuzung hebt vorgängige Signalisationen auf. Somit gilt in diesen beiden Beispielen wieder 80 Stundenkilometer.»”
CopiumCatboy on
80 km/h but keep in mind that you always need to be able to stop within half the visible distance. So there is difference between being allowed to drive 80 and the possibility of doing so.
brainwad on
A sign isn’t required to change between innerorts and ausserorts on minor roads. On such roads, the speed limit changes when it goes from buildings to fields / vice versa. So probably after Höhli you can drive 80?
Römerswil is on the left side. Nunwil is on the right side.
When you drive from Nunwil to Römerswil, the “General 50” speed limit (50 km/h) is lifted on both roads, meaning the speed limit is 80 km/h (Green route).
If you’re coming from Römerswil and turn right just before the “General 50 Lifted” sign, there are no signs until you reach Nunwil. So, it should still be 50 km/h since it was never lifted (Red & Blue routes).
In this case, Green can drive down at 80 km/h, but Red can only drive up at 50 km/h.
However, if you drive on the Yellow or Pink routes, you can drive at 80 km/h. This is because when you enter the road, the “General 50” was already lifted.
If you drive up Green into the village, you never encounter a 50 km/h sign, even though you’re driving in an 80 km/h zone. But because you’re in a densely populated area, 50 km/h automatically applies.
Is this correct? Or did I miss something?
Where exactly does “innerorts” (within town limits) and “ausserorts” (outside town limits) apply?
Did they just forget to put up a sign? Or is this normal?
This is what it looks like on-site: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/5XMWrJabc2oHUwKJA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/5XMWrJabc2oHUwKJA) (Entry Route Red/Blue)
I don’t know about this case, but they often forget / omit to put a sign after roadworks on the motorway, so you slow down to 80 and then just have to kind of guess when it’s ok to speed up again. Very annoying.
And if you parked your car in Ärebolgentobel and start driving from there you are allowed 120km/h since you didn’t encounter any sign?
Doesnt an intersection outside of towns (no more “Generell”) lift all restrictions? Like Kreisel? From an old [20mins.ch](http://20mins.ch) post: “**Jede Verzweigung hebt ein Verbot auf** Die Kantonspolizei GraubĂĽnden erklärt in ihrem Facebook-Beitrag: «Ein Kreisverkehr oder eine Kreuzung hebt vorgängige Signalisationen auf. Somit gilt in diesen beiden Beispielen wieder 80 Stundenkilometer.»”
80 km/h but keep in mind that you always need to be able to stop within half the visible distance. So there is difference between being allowed to drive 80 and the possibility of doing so.
A sign isn’t required to change between innerorts and ausserorts on minor roads. On such roads, the speed limit changes when it goes from buildings to fields / vice versa. So probably after Höhli you can drive 80?