The question is who are the 5% who think we haven’t benefitted from being in the EU?
underover69 on
We had tons of infrastructure projects with “funded by the eu fund for whatever” signs on them.
The road system in 1990 vs 2000 is night and day.
tonyjdublin62 on
Easy solve for “% of population that are right wing loolahs”
Altgentina on
The UK thought they benefitted so little they left the Union…
3967549 on
Not just one but three titles, impressive
GazelleIll495 on
The French, are just the most cynical and suspicious people in the world. It’s not personal, EU
Horror_Adventurous on
Certain politicians use EU or the idea of EU as a scapegoat in a sense that EU is at fault for their inability to bring in positive results. And ofc some people , in certain countries large numbers, believe them. Realistically speaking the EU has faults, especially with the immigration laws that where made at a time when things were different, and in an ideal world , people that want this to work should focus on fixing what’s broken or what doesn’t work anymore. Somehow chronic social parasites get in power, suck the wealth and constantly blame others, and then Brexit happened, literal proof that EU is not at fault or the major issue.
DescriptionNo6618 on
Shame that the Deutchmark tap is destined to stop.
The question is who are the 5% who think we haven’t benefitted from being in the EU?
We had tons of infrastructure projects with “funded by the eu fund for whatever” signs on them.
The road system in 1990 vs 2000 is night and day.
Easy solve for “% of population that are right wing loolahs”
The UK thought they benefitted so little they left the Union…
Not just one but three titles, impressive
The French, are just the most cynical and suspicious people in the world. It’s not personal, EU
Certain politicians use EU or the idea of EU as a scapegoat in a sense that EU is at fault for their inability to bring in positive results. And ofc some people , in certain countries large numbers, believe them. Realistically speaking the EU has faults, especially with the immigration laws that where made at a time when things were different, and in an ideal world , people that want this to work should focus on fixing what’s broken or what doesn’t work anymore. Somehow chronic social parasites get in power, suck the wealth and constantly blame others, and then Brexit happened, literal proof that EU is not at fault or the major issue.
Shame that the Deutchmark tap is destined to stop.