I’m up in northern Michigan and took a 10 second exposure shot with my iPhone 15 Pro. Then, this streak in the sky shows only after I take the shot. Definitely couldn’t see it before. Thoughts?



  1. No_Armadillo_4201 on

    Plane lights blink, and assuming this is a long exposure would leave dots along the trail.

    This is closer to what to would expect for a rocket launch, but since you’re in Michigan the only launch site would likely be Wallops, VA. Couldn’t find any information on a launch recently so not sure. Were you facing east when taking this photo?

  2. Looks exactly like a bat I’ve caught in photos before. Can see the little wing patterns on the side. Did a whole set of long exposure bat photography once

  3. CalvinWasSchizo on

    If it was a 10 second exposure its not a commercial plane at least. That’s a hell of a climb for 10 seconds

  4. A satellite is another possibility, but I’m inclined to agree on a plane. Doesn’t have to be climbing, could also be level flight or descending.

  5. Looks like a bug caught in the light to me. The line wiggles in its path and with the swooping curve it rules out something like a plane or satellite which would be even and mostly straight. Plus the shape of the line is uneven indicating the wings of a bug.