Starliner crew reports hearing strange “sonar like noises” emanating from their craft. This is the audio of it:


  1. repeatedly_once on

    Thought it was coming from the craft itself which would have been worrying, this appears to be coming from a speaker. Which is still a cause for concern but not as bad as something coming from the structure.

  2. That’s just the death rattle of the whistleblower welded into the hull. It’ll go away on its own soon enough.

  3. JcoolTheShipbuilder on

    oh hell nah.. its haunted now?
    did it start recently? or was it doing it the entire time and they only just noticed?

  4. The fact that some of the pulses are a little quicker/offset is honestly pretty disconcerting

    They’re already stuck in space, now weird noises are coming from their speakers…

  5. HighwayTurbulent4188 on

    You can sell that story.

    strange noises were responsible for Starliner having problems

  6. Space Aliens, obviously.

    Or it could be Space GHOSTS….!

    Have any white sheets gone missing…?

  7. Oscillations akin to water hammers in a pressurized line, perhaps? That doesn’t sound good whatever it is.

  8. Aliens coming to check out starliner. Don’t worry they will realise it’s space junk and leave.

  9. It sounds like the end of Poseidon Adventure when they were trying to communicate with the outside.

  10. Ah, they have the machine that goes PING. It’s the most expensive machine in the whole spacecraft!

  11. DreamDestroyeer_ on

    What if this is the sound of the software trying to switch between manual and autopilot?

  12. The pace sounds like a heart rate but the reverb is long. Would electrical interference from the body do something like this?

  13. wonder if it’s anything like Iike what the guys on ocean gates Titan heard before their little incident near the titanic.

  14. According to the show Constellation, it’s a warning sent from astronauts in a parallel universe.

  15. Could it not be a warning klaxon coming over a cross wired speaker?

    Something like the “close the airlock door” warning?

  16. “yeah Butch, that’s a ten four. We’re just gonna have you grab a wrench and bang on ‘er a little, ok? Should clear up after a few good whacks… why don’t you give us a holler when yer done…”

  17. For some reason this reminds me of *The Search for Spock*;

    Klingon: “The bridge seems to be run by computer, it is the only thing speaking.”
    Kruge: “Speaking? Let me hear.”
    Computer: “9, 8, 7, 6, 5…”
    Kruge: “Get out! Get out of there!”

  18. TwoLineElement on

    Some gain issue causing positive feedback. I’d suggest some software electrical management error. Or Starship is really more Steampunk than we have been led to believe. Starliner as a test craft was probably not configured for such a long stay and is now well beyond its ‘Best Before” date and is reaching “Expiry By’ date. First Dragon Crew wasn’t configured for more than six weeks at the ISS.

  19. Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I’ve seen in this thread:

    |Fewer Letters|More Letters|
    |[COTS](/r/Space/comments/1f6f4kf/stub/lkzydgc “Last usage”)|[Commercial Orbital Transportation Services contract](|
    | |Commercial/Off The Shelf|
    |CST|(Boeing) Crew Space Transportation capsules|
    | |Central Standard Time (UTC-6)|
    |[QA](/r/Space/comments/1f6f4kf/stub/lkzzox8 “Last usage”)|Quality Assurance/Assessment|

    |[Starliner](/r/Space/comments/1f6f4kf/stub/ll004pt “Last usage”)|Boeing commercial crew capsule [CST-100](|

    **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below.

    ^(3 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Space/comments/1f5uxj4)^( has 3 acronyms.)
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  20. I only know an iota of the basics of some potential situations that can cause these types of issues. If there is circuitry looped in improper ways or close to certain types of other electronics it can cause issues by either amplifying an outside source that gets introduced to the speaker or even creates the sounds source itself. I’ve had a guitar pedal that had a faulty inductor that could pick up radio stations. I also had a guitar effects gadget that had a pulse width modulator that would create an interference and create a squeal in the speaker. The sound sounds like it’s either from some type of sin signal or pulse width modulation on board or it’s picking up some satellite data transmission/ signal from some faulty misplaced electronics. I don’t believe it’s a computer system alert noise and I don’t think it’s a cause for any concern. It would be interesting to know if the sound is only heard when the speak is on while in use or if the speaker is permanently making this noise.