Hi, so I’m a tourist visiting Skopje for the first time and while I was preparing my itinerary I found notes like the ones in the pictures. How true is this? Specially the part about the police confiscating your phone.
As I mentioned above I’m visiting for the first time and I’m used to just taking pictures of anything that seems unique or different from the places I’ve visited before, this includes buildings of course. Should I just stick to not taking pictures at all or is there some rule of thumb to follow?


Posted by No_Salt_3133


  1. GalacticNova360 on

    Sounds like you should just avoid taking photos of military installations and critical infrastructure (like hydropower stations). I’ve visited Skopje twice and have never had issues since I’ve just been photographing the touristy stuff (the kale, old bazaar, etc.).

  2. no country in the world allows you to make pictures of their military facilities or their critical infrastructure..

  3. Yes. Just like in practically every other country in Europe and most of the world, it is forbidden to photograph certain buildings, for example those buildings and zones of defense importance, such as power plants, airports, military bases, border crossings, official administrative buildings, the interior of health facilities,…. Trespassing on private lands, zooming in on the interior of private buildings that may invade the privacy of the owners is prohibited. Photography and videos of random people in public, especially minors, are prohibited. Dash-cams in vehicles are also prohibited. There are usually signs where you really shouldn’t do these things. We’re very relaxed people, they won’t arrest and deport you for sure, but still… don’t go looking for trouble.

  4. Wait, so I can’t take pictures in front of a police station? I wanna dress as a bandit and take pictures with cops behind me 🤪

  5. Many of the laws are not enforced in this country. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Even if you do get detained, you’ll probably be released with just a warning.