Original source – https://wykop.pl/wpis/77930979/wedlug-oswiadczenia-majatkowego-jacek-tomczak-nie-

According to his property declaration, Jacek Tomczak is not one of the richest, considering that he is a 51-year-old lawyer and MP. He owns half of the house and the access road and 6,500 PLN in his bank account. The house has an area of ​​250 m², which was valued by the MP at 470,000 PLN. Additionally, Mr. Tomczak has separate property with his wife.

One might assume that Mr. Tomczak would be an ideal candidate to defend the right of ordinary citizens to cheap real estate, considering that he himself could have worked for a long time for his 250-meter house. However, the house’s valuation of PLN 470,000 may suggest that the building may be in poor condition ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

In reality, however, Mr. Jacek is probably not as poor as he claims in his financial statement. Jacek Jerzy Tomczak is the great-grandson of Ludwik Zoroaster Morzycki, the owner of the manor house in Giewartów. Mr. Jacek’s parents fought in court for many years to return the property taken over by the communist government after World War II. The dispute over these properties lasted over twenty-five years. Ultimately, the palace, almost 40 hectares of land and 116 hectares of Lake Powidzkie passed from the property of the Ostrowite commune to the heirs. Currently, the heirs of the estate in Giewartów have filed an application with the starosty to reclassify part of the lake from flowing water to standing water. If the application is accepted, over one hundred hectares of the lake will become private property. Mr. Jacek Tomczak represented the heirs in court.

Jolanta Tomczak claims that their actions are not driven by the desire to take over the water and prevent residents from bathing, despite this, parking fees are already being charged on their areas by the lake. But never mind that.

The Tomczak family attracted media attention back in 2012. Doubts arose about paying tax on the premises where PO MP Jacek Tomczak ran his notary office. The owners of these premises were the politician’s wife and parents. The MP’s wife paid tax as if it were an apartment, while the MP’s parents… did not pay it at all. It should be noted that the tax on residential premises is 30 times lower than for premises designated for business activity.

  • I am not up to date. Especially since I am not a co-owner of the premises and a payer of this tax – Jacek Tomczak assured us then. When we pointed out that the co-owners are his family, he replied that he would try to clarify the matter.

Zbigniew Brzozowski, a member of the board of the housing community managing the tenement house, expressed surprise.

  • A politician says he is not a co-owner? If he is not formally one, he has been behaving as if he were one for many months. He came to our community meetings. He represented his wife and himself. He signed resolutions, on attendance lists, and actively participated in meetings – says Zbigniew Brzozowski.

That’s all for today, I’ll be sniffing around more tomorrow.

Sources: – http://www.gazetaslupecka.pl/spadkobiercy-zabieraja-glos-wojt-o-sporze-ze-spadkobiercami/

O Jacku Tomczaku (jednej z osób odpowiedzialnych za BK0%) słów kilka
byu/Anonim97_bot inPolska

Posted by Anonim97_bot

1 Comment

  1. randomlogin6061 on

    Lubię jak dopierdalanie się jest konkretne, a tu w sumie nie wiadomo o co chodzi. O ile dobrze rozumiem w pierwszej kwestii syn prawnik reprezentuje swoich rodziców. Czyli prawnik robi prawnicza robotę.

    To drugie to prosta sprawa dla urzędu skarbowego, zresztą wygląda na to że nawet nie wobec niego, a wobec żony/rodziców.

    Więc w zasadzie co to wszystko ma oznaczać w kontekscie bk 0? Chyba teza jest z dupy bo z jakiegoś powodu zakłada, że gość musi być biedny żeby godnie reprezentować obywateli w tej kwestii. Tylko że to czyjaś opinia, a nie fakt. Dlaczego to ma mieć znaczenie? Prawnicy tworzący prawo na ogół są majętni.

    Z przedstawionych zarzutów można co najwyżej uznać że gość jest zwykłym cwaniaczkiem, który ukrywa majątek i optymalizuje podatki. Ale też mówię to bez przekonania. A czy należy to wiązać jakkolwiek z ideą pracy nad programem? Nie wydaje mi się, bo niby jak. Nawet odwołanie go z funkcji byłoby naciągane bo wygląda, że działa w granicach w prawa. “Odsuwamy pana sekretarza bo jego rodzice mają dworek i ktoś z rodziny źle odprowadzał podatek od lokalu”. Hmm