Why is there no tax incentive to invest in stocks and shares?


Posted by No_Entertainer3358


  1. North_Activity_5980 on

    It’s ridiculous that we don’t have an ISA option, the tax hurdles for investing in ETFs are also a disgrace. Keeping money in the bank in Ireland is fruitless long term.

  2. Dependent-Wave-876 on

    Yeah biggest surprise since moving to Canada. I’ve two main tax shielded vehicles. Get about €3000 euro tax shielded contribution per year in one vehicle and about €12,000 in another.

  3. dangling-putter on

    Also god damn RSUs taxed at 52% like bruh let me make some money. I already pay enough in taxes. 

  4. Indeed. 

     People will always want to invest cause that can be the most efficient way to make money.

     And if housing is the only way to invest, then it will be abused.

    Why the hell is Ireland called a tax heaven?

  5. I’m just gonna rant without any evidence to back it up.
    Because the Irish government want you to keep spending. The state has been getting it’s money from the citizens and not the corporations since the 50s they want to get it from the people who work for those multinationals so they can tax it everytime it moves. They’d go broke if we bought just what we need and invested everything else to be tied up for twenty years.
    When you make money they want some. After that they’ll make sure they can arsefuck you for the rest.
    If you; move,buy,sell,gift,bequest,inherit,invest,smoke,drink,eat,
    save they will come knocking for some more.

  6. Zealousideal_Buy3118 on

    The incentives are prize bonds, private pensions (you can buy stocks houses etc) and direct investment in Irish sme’s.

  7. Why ?

    Incompetence, lack of imagination, hesitancy and the desire to milk cash cows to pay for public sector salaries and perks.

    Kildare street is a comfortable bubble.