RFK Jr says he would be clad to except the cabinet position of Department of Health and Human Services.

Posted by h20poIo


  1. I’m guessing that the H in #MAHA isn’t supposed to stand for hate, but like, I hate this.

  2. honestly sometimes i feel like we stepped through some sort of reality warp how is this happening

  3. restore_democracy on

    It would be a little weird if he weren’t clad when “excepting” such a role. I’m guessing you’re going for Secretary of Education?

  4. This account has 1.3 million post karma. Think about that. Look at how often this user posts exclusively content like this.

    Ask yourself if this is just a regular person like you who just posts stuff they like to reddit, or if it’s a guerilla marketing campaign

  5. People will feel better because they are not as crazy as Kennedy?🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  6. steelmanfallacy on

    You forgot the most important part…the anti-science, anti-vaccination positions he consistently takes.

  7. Well, he certainly has a lot of personal experience with mental health difficulties, but I’m not sure how being bat shit crazy qualifies a person for HHS Secretary

  8. Well, it would fit the Trump profile of putting the worst possible people into cabinet positions. He did it repeatedly during his time in office, for the offices that he actually did fill.

  9. He might just think this is a way to get the free mental health care he needs at no cost.

    He isn’t stupid, just nuts.

  10. The correct way to process this information.

    Wanted to eat bear meat.
    Made his daughter and himself breathe in rotting whale juice.
    Had a worm in his brain.

    But should have a Cabinet position because he is against vaccines and has a great body.

    First policy for America:
    Crazy caveman diet.

  11. InevitableAvalanche on

    Rick Perry didn’t know what DOE was and they put that goofy dipshit in charge. They are unserious, weird, and dumb.

  12. There’s so much shit in there that it’s impossible to question his assertion that he “found” the roadkill.

  13. Lucky_Armadillo_1316 on

    That hash tag just sounds like Tim curry’s penny wise laughing in my head.