For anyone considering employment at the AT Store: Be prepared for grueling working conditions, minimal support and pressure that can seriously affect your health and well-being. Before you decide, think carefully about how much you are willing to sacrifice for a job where your efforts often go unnoticed and the credit is easily attributed to others. In such an environment, motivation quickly declines, and the exit door becomes an increasingly attractive option. Get ready to work in short sleeves in winter conditions, hungry and with a temperature of 40. For a salary that is below the minimum.
The training for new workers at the AT Store lasted almost a month, and already at that stage it became clear that it was more of a waste of time than a useful preparation. The focus of the training was on “essential” information about the Apple company, while the workers already noticed signs of mobbing and a bad working atmosphere. Employees looked pale and exhausted, and pressure and humiliation from their superiors was a daily occurrence. You are never right and you will never do anything good enough. Because your superior is imitating Steve Jobs in a toxic way.
When AT Store began the renovation of its branch in the Alta Shopping Center in Sarajevo, the workers faced extremely difficult conditions. The renovation lasted about two weeks, during which the employees performed grueling physical work. For 12 hours a day, they carried heavy cabinets, boards and tables. All this was done without a day of rest and with only a 30-minute meal break. Conditions worsened further when workers began to fall ill, but continued to come to work due to the high amount of stress and fear of the consequences. On the day of the completion of the renovation, while the workers were still doing hard work, the director appeared every day and told them that they were not efficient enough.
At the end, the superior appeared in a suit and presented the entire project as his success, without any acknowledgment of the employees’ efforts. They were promised a salary increase to 1000KM (minimum salary) after the renovation, but they were told that they would not get a salary increase because they did not deserve it. Employees were forced to work overtime, and low compensation for those hours further worsened the situation. For example, the worker received only 80 KM for 50 hours of overtime, and was additionally damaged for 300 KM due to errors in sales.
The superior often humiliated the workers, thereby contributing to a decrease in motivation and an increase in stress. During the renovation, he often told the workers that they were not efficient enough. After the renovation, he forced them to buy his garbage in front of the customers, throwing the garbage in front of them. He treated them like they were stupid. He would put the work on their backs and especially insult and humiliate the women who worked there. The opinion of many was that this happens when the employee would attract more attention with his presentation than him.
After all, many workers decided to leave the company, while new candidates went through the same grueling process. There was an obvious unfavorable working atmosphere, with workers looking tired and disaffected, while new hires were forced to go through the same grueling training and working conditions.
Watch this video:
Posted by Sea-Interaction2141
Hvala za post, vjerujem da ce ovo biti korisno za sve ljude koji traze posao i slucajno nalete na ovu kompaniju.
Predlazem ti i da anonimno ovo posaljes klixu i objavis na fb pod laznim imenom.. da sto vise ljudi sazna.
To je taj Americki sistem pomjesan sa nasom bahatoscu. Samo gazi
Mislim da je sad kasno, ali ovo su stvari koje se pedantno pišu u dnevnik, snimaju, čuvaju mejlovi i na kraju prijave inspekciji.
Ko ih jebe sto su na to pristali.
a diš je onaj radio voditelj 😂 kupovo od njega ajfone jos dok ih je dilo preko
Jel me jebes da poslovnica u kojoj se prodaju uredaji skuplji za 500-600KM nego svugdje drugo, placa svoje radnike ispod minimalca??! Pa ja sam svoje slusalice platio 450KM, kod njih su sigurno 600-700KM. Pa majka mu stara zar se nema od cega zaraditi da se radnicima isplati plata veca za nekih 200-300KM? Pa nemate 10,000 zaposlenih…
>Budite spremni na iscrpljujuće radne uvjete, minimalnu podršku i pritisak koji može ozbiljno utjecati na vaše zdravlje i dobrobit. Prije nego što se odlučite, dobro razmislite o tome koliko ste spremni žrtvovati za posao u kojem su vaši napori često neprimijećeni, a zasluge lako pripisane drugima. U takvom okruženju, motivacija brzo opada, a izlazna vrata postaju sve privlačnija opcija. Spremite se da radite u kratkim rukavima u zimskim uvjetima, gladni i sa temperaturom 40. Za platu koja je ispod minimalne.
Brate opisao si 99% poslova u BiH, da nisi spomenuo radnju ja bi stavio onaj gif atmoskog kostura is Batman Beyond-a kad je rekao “Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?”
AT Store je kradja, preporucujem [Cloudshop]( imaju Apple-ove stvari samo te ne pokradu i jos ti daju garanciju i vazda neka snizenja a i dostavljaju u Sarajevu besplatno, uzeo sam tamo laptop za programiranje za male pare najbolja odluka ikad![img](emote|t5_2s7a1|33298)
Ja sam mastao da radim ovdje, mislio gdje nece biti posteno…
Radi u alti i sccu, radnici su prema meni bili kulturni uvijek i mislio sam da nema problema, jeste da sam primijetio da se cesto mijenjaju
Trazim onu sliku i aint reading this but im happy for you or sad it happened al je nema😂
A taj, nadređeni, neki Bob Sapp pa mu niko ne može jebati milu majku? Danas konobar izlazi na 1500 minimum, nevjerojatno mi je da neko pristaje na ovo gaženje za minimalac.