JD Vance Called Out After Comparing Kamala Harris to Miss Teen Contestant



  1. CrackHeadRodeo on

    Am so looking forward to the day after the election when I dont ever hear again from JD Vance and the Mango fascist.

  2. La-Boheme-1896 on

    >Before the interview was broadcast

    So, he hadn’t even seen if there was anything to criticize.

    Just a liddle bit of sexist funning!!

  3. I have heard of an underground movement among women to use post-it notes in public bathrooms saying “Your vote is secret. You don’t have to vote for these men.”

    I hope it spreads.

    We need to vote out these misogynistic assholes and sexual predators.

  4. Rated_PG-Squirteen on

    The same Miss Teen USA pageants where Donald Trump used to walk around backstage in the girl’s dressing rooms while they were changing?

  5. JD is trying to play Trump

    No one can be as stupid as Trump and get away with it unless they have a cult

    The great thing is JD is ruining his political career.

  6. JD Vance: “kAmmAlA iz sO duMb!”
    same night…
    Trump: “Immigrants are taking over 107% of new American jobs!”

  7. AlmalexiaScaresMe on

    You’ve gotta work to find someone with this little charisma. What on earth was his campaign thinking?

  8. atomsmasher66 on

    Keep being petty and childish dude. If he thinks stuff like this appeals to non-MAGAs he’s in for a rude awakening.

  9. Distinct-Practice131 on

    It’s wild how they still don’t know how to use Vance publicly, and I love it.

  10. Bad ideology aside, Vance is really an incompetent politician. It is incredible he got into the Senate.

  11. It’s bold to bring up the competition where Trump brought Epstein to so they could barge in the dressing room of underage girls.

  12. JD Vance has stated enthusiastically that, unlike Mike Pence, he would have obeyed Trump’s orders and rejected Biden electors in 2020 – effectively overruling the election and making Trump a dictator.

    How and why the fuck is there any conversation about JD Vance beyond that?

  13. Hunter-Gatherer_ on

    Jd is either supremely stupid or he’s tanking trumps election campaign deliberately 😂

  14. tytymctylerson on

    Can this guy come help me with yard projects since he loves digging so goddamn much?

  15. Was Vance thinking about the stories Trump told about walking in on Miss Teen contestants in the dressing rooms?

  16. >They said: “It’s a shame that 17 years later this is still being brought up. There’s not too much else to say about it at this point. Regardless of political beliefs, one thing I do know is that social media and online bullying needs to stop. For anyone else going through something similar, please visit https://endcyberbullying.org/ and WhiteFlag (https://www.whiteflagapp.com/) as resources.”

    This is the appropriate response to prepubescent cyberbully like JD Vance, or the locker room creep Donald Trump

  17. DramaticWesley on

    Comparing her to Miss Teen contestant? Is that why Trump talked about how absolutely gorgeous she looked on the cover of Time, like a real weirdo?

  18. Has anyone asked Vance, if he would implement Project 2025 if he becomes President? He did write the Foreword and praised it! Not sure why we’re glossing over this important fact!