Labour drops plans for ‘targeted’ culling of badgers – Farmers Weekly

Posted by topotaul


  1. the scientific advice about culling badgers was that it tended to increase the spread of TB as unsurprisingly the culling of badgers meant that a lot of badgers thought to themselves that now might be a good time to move.

  2. Labours manifesto pledge for those like me who was interested in whether they was honouring their promises.

    >“And we will work with farmers and scientists on measures to eradicate Bovine TB, protecting livelihoods, so that we can end the ineffective badger cull.”

  3. “Badgers are a protected species **because they face high levels of cruelty and mistreatment**. In 1992, the Protection of Badgers Act (PBA) gave badgers across the UK unrivalled protection.”

    None of that survives when profit is on the line, apparently.