Community backlash to social housing plans for residents with mental health challenges has been described as “NIMBYism” by social services groups, who say it spreads stigma, causes delays and raises costs.


  1. joeltheaussie on

    Everyone loves the idea of public housing until you live next to a block of public housing next door.

  2. beefstockcube on

    It’s a tough one. Should shelter be available to everyone? Probably.

    Should socially affordable housing be available? Sure.

    Should that housing be concentrated in an area where the services associated with the people who need social housing can be delivered? Yes.

    Is there any point in trying to add ‘social housing’ to a suburb with an average house price of $2-3m? Absolutely not.

    I think it’s the lack of additional services. “Hey we are building this set of houses for ex addicts and people with mental health issues.” Is anyone surprised that the non meth using local postcode is a bit ‘Um, can you not?”

  3. Not really NIMBY if you think it’s a bad idea. I think most people can say around there surbub not once have you thought putting people who are vulnerable together in one place is a good idea.