The fire spread to other tanks. Kamensky district Rostov region( 48.457182835839454, 40.33248130798473 ) (more info in the comments)

Posted by banana_man_man_


  1. No_Suggestion_3727 on

    Is there a betting Office where we can place bets on how long it will burn and how many tanks will explode?

  2. UncomfortableTacoBoy on

    We need to add “oil tanks” to the daily RU destroyed graphic, I can’t keep up with all these.

  3. Once the fire is put out don’t even give them a day, just hit the rest of the tanks and keep the fire burning.

  4. Like the other depot they hit, it seems that the high winds are making everything worse for the russkies. Nice.

  5. The_Horse_Shiterer on

    What’s up with the damn camera tilt? Can someone hand these Russians a basic guide to filming? Every one of these recent clips looks like some kind of avant-garde mess.

  6. I am each time surprised that the fire with this much heat and fuel does not spread to all storage tanks.

  7. How many oil depots is this now? 15-20? I know there’s a lot of redundancy, but there has to be limits before rationing, etc have to happen, right?

  8. ResponsibilityNo7189 on

    🎶 99 oil tanks in Russia, 99 oil tanks in Russia

    you take one down, burn it along

    98 oil tanks in Russia 🎶

  9. i love the smell of burning oil in the morning…

    now the othe tanks! keep them drones coming

  10. Is russia already being sanctioned for their blatant disregard for emitting greenhouse gases?

  11. Indeed they are seeing more often a torch of the dildo of consequence….

    Fuck around and find out is a new ruz motto…

  12. This is great and keep it up, but it worries me the sheer amount of locations we’ve seen fucking spewing apocalyptic clouds of smoke the last few years.

    Like holy fucking shit the environmental damage is incalculable and it’s kinda bumming me out y’all.

  13. What temperature does oil burn at? And what temperature could you expect those tanks to pop at?

  14. OnceWasRampant on

    Truck drivers be like: that’s our country going to shit as we work day and night. Thanks, Vladimir.