1. SkillYourself on

    NASA OIG projects that the ML-2 project can reach $2.7B in costs, up from the original $383M contract

    >Cost and schedule estimates from both NASA and Bechtel for the ML-2 contract have changed several times and increased significantly over time. NASA’s lack of an official baseline for the first 5 years of the ML-2 project has limited visibility into its potential total cost and the information needed for Congress and others to better hold the Agency accountable. In June 2024, NASA established a commitment to Congress for a total ML-2 project cost of $1.8 billion and a delivery date of September 2027. We project, however, that the ML-2’s total cost could reach $2.7 billion by the time Bechtel delivers the launcher to NASA in 2027.

  2. whatsthis1901 on

    Boeing must have given them tips on how to bilk the government for more of our tax dollars. This whole program is a sham.

  3. It’s literally just a steel lattice structure with plumbing and an elevator. It’s not new technology. They built these back in the 1960s. There is something seriously wrong with aerospace contractors if they can’t manage a fucking tower like this for less than the Burj Khalifa.

  4. Never makes sense to me how anyone or anything can spend so much money on such a thing. Like…. what in the actual hell is going on here?

  5. Specialist-Routine86 on

    This is insane, $2.7B, I cannot believe it. This isn’t something novel, they aren’t reinvesting the wheel. The SLS program is the biggest waste of money, it actually makes me angry. I want to say just scrap the program before this gets out of hand.