Norma foley: There should be no access to mobile phones until the school day is over

Posted by Existing-Target-6485


  1. im surprised this isnt already the rules ??

    when i was primary/ secondary this was basically the rules , if you where found with your phone you had it confiscated until the end of the day

  2. Phones are already banned by majority of schools. Looking for publicity is all this cabbage is doing.

  3. Existing-Target-6485 on

    Blowing hot air, she says she’ll “ask” schools to do so, what use is that? She is just appealing to the older demographics who just want to impose rules and regulations upon young people in a “that’ll show em’ ” attitude

  4. LordyIHopeThereIsPie on

    The Minister has almost no power over things like this in schools. She hasn’t even enforced the circular ‘requesting’ that schools have generic uniforms without crests, or that schools stop asking for ‘voluntary’ donations dressed up as admin/school/junior or leaving cert ‘contributions’.

  5. marquess_rostrevor on

    Daily drip feed of these tories now.

    I meant stories, but I imagine people will find my typo amusing.

  6. Why? Wouldn’t it be better to simply teach students how to use phones appropriately and take more targeted actions towards those who don’t? Why is the stance of Ireland on almost everything prohibition when its well known to not be an effective way of doing things?

  7. Available-Lemon9075 on

    Can’t believe I’m saying this but Norma Foley is dead right here 

    Who cares if people think this is for “publicity”? 

    If it’s the right thing to do, it’s the right thing to do 

  8. If this government is good at one thing, its offering solutions to problems that do not exist. No phones during school hours is probably one of the most commonly enforced rules in school, it certainly was when I was in school nearly 2 decades ago.