SpaceX Polaris launch postponed after helium leak is detected


  1. theusualsuspects345 on

    Ah yes, what you should do when there is a helium leak.

    (I know it’s ground side, but still)

  2. polaroppositebear on

    An umbilical from the tower is the culprit, not a thruster on Dragon or Falcon.

  3. Eggplantosaur on

    Helium is so hard to contain. It’s rightfully called “a bit of an escape artist” 

  4. Detecting it before launch is a good thing, that is how it’s supposed to work.

    Not after you get to orbit and have ten other issues compounding the problem.

  5. SplashyTetraspore on

    Nice to see SpaceX work to solve a problem before risking lives needlessly. This mission is significant for future space plans.