Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested at an airport near Paris on Saturday on suspicion of crimes related to the Telegram app. He faces 20 years in prison. provides essential information about the entrepreneur.

The 39-year-old Russian-born billionaire has been accused of failing to mitigate abuse of his platform for criminal activity.

Groups of up to 200,000 people can be created on the Telegram social network. members. This makes it easier to spread false information through this platform, and users can spread neo-Nazi, pedophile, conspiratorial and terrorist content.

France’s OFMIN, which is responsible for protecting minors from violence, issued an arrest warrant for Mr. Durov on charges of organized crime, drug trafficking, fraud, cyberbullying and promoting terrorism.

Mr. Durov has been a mogul in the app development industry for many years.

France’s OFMIN, which is responsible for protecting minors from violence, issued an arrest warrant for Mr. Durov on charges of organized crime, drug trafficking, fraud, cyberbullying and promoting terrorism.

Mr. Durov has been a mogul in the app development industry for many years.

After leaving VK, in 2014 Durov emigrated from Russia. He received citizenship of the Caribbean island archipelago of St. Kitts and Nevis after donating $250,000 to the country’s sugar industry, according to CNBC. Durov was granted French citizenship in 2021. in August.

in 2013 he founded Telegram, promoting it as an uncensored and neutral platform accessible to people of all backgrounds and beliefs.

A messaging app with around 800 million users. users, is popular in Russia and Ukraine.

in 2024 In an April interview with conservative US political commentator Tucker Carlson, Durov talked about how important freedom of speech is to him and why he created Telegram, according to Time.

People “like independence. They also like privacy, freedom, (there are) many reasons why someone switches to Telegram,” Mr. Durov told Mr. Carlson.

According to Forbes, Mr. Durov’s assets are valued at approximately 15.5 billion. US dollars, making him the 121st richest person in the world.

Kas yra „Telegram“ įkūrėjas Durovas ir kodėl jis buvo suimtas?
byu/Alg1z inlithuania

Posted by Alg1z


  1. LRT per Laba dieną neseniai visai ne į temą paklausinėjo vieną žmogų.

    O jei į temą, tai būtų taip. Durovas nulėkė į Azerbaidžaną prieš keletą dienų, norėjo susitikti su P.Xuilo. P.Xuilo susitikti atsisakė, todėl, kad jisai yra xuilo. Tada Durovą supakavo prancūzai, pamatę, kas darosi.

    O kas darosi?

    Kas turi Durovą, tas gali skaityti beveik viską kas rašoma telegrame. O kaip žinia, P.Xuilo antra nuo galo armija visas komunikacijas turi telegrame, kuris dar iki šiol nebuvo sekamas ir skaitomas visokio plauko žvalgybų.

    Tai dabar Durovas sutiks su viskuo ką jam pasiūlys prancūzai, kad tik galėtų eiti namo ir ramiai valgyti prancūzišką bulką ir lakti kabernė su krembriulė. O visokios žvalgybos gaus priėjimą prie antros nuo galo armijos susirašinėjimų.

    Ukraina taip pat.

    FSB ir kiti kremliaus režimo atstovai jau nuo vakar visiem liepia trinti viskÄ… iÅ¡ savo telegramų. Jau vien iÅ¡ to aiÅ¡ku kas ir kodÄ—l. O LRT seka pasakas apie pornografijÄ… ir narkotikus. Žurnalistai…