Israel coordinates delivery of 25,100 polio vaccine vials to Gaza amid fears of outbreak


  1. >Israel said it delivered 25,100 vials of the polio vaccine to Gaza via the Kerem Shalom Crossing on Sunday, as the United Nations has urged an inoculation campaign in the Strip following the first case of polio there in 25 years.

    >The vaccines will be enough to inoculate 1,255,000 people, just over half of the Strip’s population, according to COGAT, Israel’s civilian coordination agency for the Palestinian territories, which released footage of the delivery.

    >COGAT said “international and local medical teams” will administer the vaccines in various locations over the coming days to children who have not yet received a dose, “as part of the routine humanitarian pauses that will allow the population to reach the medical centers where the vaccinations will be administered.”

  2. That’s crucially important. There’s just been the first Polio case in decades in Gaza. It’s a vaccine-derived strain, not a wild strain, but it’s still important to make sure children are properly immunized.

  3. IntelligentFan9178 on

    Waiting for the new headlines:

    Hamas intercepts and destroys suspicious Israeli polio vaccines, saving the residents of Gaza from Israeli infection.

    UN demands answers from Israel over why they tried to infect Plastinians with genocidal liquid and forced microchip planting.

    Israel sends vaccines to Gaza stating, “We will not allow Polio to kill innocent Palestinians, only we are allowed to kill them.”

  4. Real-Crazy-2025 on

    in a place the size of NJ, polio don’t give a damn about your checkpoints or your war.

  5. Good effort, but I don’t know how trusting I’d be of a vaccine being distributed by Isreal if I was Palestinian. Not that I personally believe any nefarious intent behind it.

  6. CommitteeofMountains on

    They obviously can’t send a whole cooling apparatus, so is this going to be the vaccine that puts polio in the water (which is why areas with large former-USSR&friends populations tend to generate outbreaks)?