Boeing employees ‘humiliated’ that upstart rival SpaceX will rescue astronauts stuck in space: ‘It’s shameful’


  1. From the article:
    >“We have had so many embarrassments lately, we’re under a microscope. This just made it, like, 100 times worse,” one worker, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said.

    >“We hate SpaceX,” he added. “We talk s–t about them all the time, and now they’re bailing us out.”

    >“It’s shameful. I’m embarrassed, I’m horrified,” the employee said.

    >With morale “in the toilet,” the worker claimed that many in Boeing are blaming NASA for the humiliation.

  2. They shouldn’t hate spacex. Thats misdirected. Hate *their* Boeing management. *they* are the ones responsible for setting the conditions and environment responsible within Boeing to ruin their once great culture.

  3. I sure the employees are feeling it. My question is if upper management is, cause they are the reason why good engineering isn’t happening at Boeing anymore. They drove all the good engineers out of the company and now here we are.

  4. All you guys had to do was deliver a working space ship that transport humans to the iss and back to earth safely without any hiccups or bullshit.

    That was all you had to do.

  5. Theonlyrational on

    Considering what Boeing has been up to lately, this should be pretty far down their shame list.

  6. SplashyTetraspore on

    Well they never should have launched it the first place. So hate your management. The launch decision didn’t only rest with NASA.

  7. the_fungible_man on

    >We hate SpaceX,” he added. “We talk s–t about them all the time,…”

    Problem #1

    >With morale “in the toilet,” the worker claimed that many in Boeing are ***blaming** NASA for the humiliation…

    Problem #2

  8. I doubt the stranded astronauts will care about who saves them. It’s like comparing dicks when lives are on the line.

  9. Boeing employees should be ashamed of the companies leadership that focused on profits over engineering!

  10. Don’t worry, Boeing engineers. Maybe your management can stock option or bean-count your way out of this one.

  11. JosebaZilarte on

    I hope this makes stockholders fire the entire management team of the company. It is that or having their shares devaluated into oblivion.

  12. The worst thing that could happen to Boeing is they kill astronauts. The 3rd worst thing is that SpaceX rescues those astronauts. The 2nd worst thing would be if SpaceX rescued the astronauts and Starliner burns up in reentry anyway.

  13. I’m friends with quite a few Boeing employees, and not a single one gives a fuck about this, or SpaceX

  14. hacksawomission on

    If they think they’re ashamed now, just wait until the empty Starliner tumbles on reentry due to a thruster failure and turns into a two hundred mile long plume of ionized gas. Then they can feel ashamed.

  15. Maybe a lot more testing before the flight and a lot less whining after the fact. You don’t send Astronauts on the beta test.

  16. Winnipesaukee on

    You know what’s also shameful? When the company you work for has the people saying “damn it, stop!” dying under mysterious circumstances.

  17. dietdrkelp329 on

    Then make better air and spacecrafts? It’s quasi-capitalism: don’t be mad when people reach for the better product.

  18. cruiserman_80 on

    This is a puff piece based on hearsay by an anonymous employee who could be anyone not even associated with manufacturing.

    But the underlying sentiment of Boing’s reputation suffering is valid although being angry at the competition for doing it better is a weird flex.

    If only there were some established process that allowed engineering companies to focus on actual engineering and Control the Quality of the products they make? /s