TIL Phrenology (a racist pseudoscience) was used by the Brits to label the Irish “a flawed and degenerate breed” due to our big Irish heads; apparently one of the first applications of Phrenology to justify subjugating people.




  1. at the time we were among the tallest people in europe so it makes sense our big irish heads seemed even bigger and irish-er than they are now.

  2. Augustus_Chavismo on

    Does the ~~lion~~ blockhead concern himself with the opinion of the ~~sheep~~ pinheads

  3. Apprehensive_Ratio80 on

    Didn’t DiCaprios character in Django justify his treatment of slaves with this logic 🤣

  4. Final-Barracuda-5792 on

    Big Irish head is a real thing though, I have never found a hat in a shop off the shelf that wasn’t too small for me.

  5. ButterscotchSure6589 on

    I read about on it once, written by a French man and his daughter. The basis of it was, if you have certain characteristics you are a bad person, unless you have almost identical characteristics , then you are a good person. It was patently bollocks and obviously so to anyone with half a brain.