Darren’s abuse by the priest ended when he was 11. His story remains one of the worst I’ve heard


Posted by That_Technician_439


  1. MeinhofBaader on

    Tough read. You have to admire the bravery of people willing to speak up.

    The church should have no place in our society.

  2. no_fucking_point on

    How we haven’t seized every bit of property of the cunts and turfed them out on the street I’ll never know. Done more damage to the country than the fucking Kinahans.

  3. EnvironmentalAct9115 on

    That makes such sad reading. Thankfully he got locked up. Well done to all who spoke up to put him where he deserves to be. Now just throw away the key.

  4. MandolinPlayingSack on

    Tied his wrists to his ankles and raped him on a coffee table in the presbytery with another priest in the next room who could hear everything. Fucking hell. 

  5. When I read this I just think why is that fucker allowed to live after doing something like this.   He’s a monster, an aberration, just get rid of him.   But of course I know we can’t do that. 

    This many is on the same moral plateau as Jack the Ripper.  He’s a psychopath.  He’s evil if you believe in that kind of thing.

    I knew 2 priests when I was a kid who’d given up careers to be priests.  They both went to Africa to teach kids and to run a little clinic.  They were basically saints – they renounced comfortable lives to give their lives to others.  There are thousands of Irish people, men and women, who became nuns or priests and who did this.  

    But there were also psychos and perverts and predators who had easy access to vulnerable kids and these fucks were protected – possibly because no one could believe what they were doing but also because the church felt it had a right to deal with this stuff in its own way.   This last point is key. 

  6. That lady Angela sounds like a pure angel. What those poor men and women suffered is such a disgrace I’d love to see the whole catholic mess be thrown out of the country and all they own given back to the people they hurt the most. Scum. Pure fucking animals.

  7. How wildly known do you think the scandal was within the church before it all became public knowledge?

    Like, do you think the average local priest out in a random countryside parish would’ve been aware of who did what?

    Or was it hush hush at only the top level?