Next’s marketing team’s choices to localize are thought provoking. An English and Russian page is offered to Estonia. It is completely understandable from a commercial point of view, since managing Russian-language content covers a large number of small markets in Eastern Europe, and the Estonian language will never pay off, but it is somehow sad to see the flag of our country above such language options. 🙁
On the level of emotions, it seems as if I have been marginalized as an Estonian (jessver, I sound like some genZ already…). There was even a small error regarding the brand and the purchase process was left unfinished.
Moral of the story: ad targeting in such sensitive markets as Estonia must be very precise and well thought out. If FB hadn’t offered me an ad in Russian, I wouldn’t have noticed the language dilemma at all and would be spending my time typing credit card numbers right now, not messing around on Reddit.
Posted by beautybalancesheet
Oleme sõltuvusriik või iseseisev riik?
Nad lihtsalt säästavad raha.
Veidi kaldun kõrvale. Mind ajavad halliks need automaattõlgitud eestikeelsed lehed. Arvamus pole ilmselt populaarne, aga pakkugu pigem ainult inglise keeles lehte, kui seda tavalist ülikurba automaattõlget. See on Eesti keele solkimine ja vastav leht läheb imeruttu kinni, sest see on minu arvates veel vähem austav, kui eestikeelse tõlke puudumine üleüldse. Aga see vene keel seal muidugi on kurbnaljakas. Mina sealt ei ostaks, märgukirja ka ei saadaks, sest muidu äkki pusivadki google translate vms abil mingi jama kokku.
Eesti läti leedu annavad inglise ja vene
Ukraina ja valgevene – ainult inglise
Poola, Slovakkia, Ungari, Tšehhi, Rumeenia, Bulgaaria kõigil on oma keeles.
Soome, norra on ainult inglise keel.
Venekeelne leht on loodud ainult balti riikide jaoks.